CEFC Finances Large-Scale Battery System

Lincoln Gap - wind farm and battery storage

Image: Google Earth

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation announced this morning it will be supporting Australia’s first unsubsidised large-scale grid-connected battery. [Read more…]

Queensland Labor Pledges Solar Funding

Powering Queensland's Future

Advancing solar energy in Queensland will remain an important focus under a re-elected Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

Solar Powered E- Rickshaws Part Of India’s Air Pollution Solution

Solar powered electric rickshaw

It’s hoped solar energy technology will help power a switch in India from particulate belching auto-rickshaws to zero emissions electric models. [Read more…]

Delhi Choking – Air Pollution Emergency Continues

Air pollution in Delhi

Image: alvpics

Air pollution in India’s capital is at such a dire level that schools have been closed, trains are running late, poor visibility is causing car crashes and life appears to be quite miserable in general. [Read more…]

Tesla Powerpack Energy Storage Solution For Nantucket

Tesla Powerpack

National Grid has announced a 48 megawatt-hour battery energy storage system will be installed by Tesla on the island of Nantucket. [Read more…]

Big Solar For Shoalhaven?

Callala water treatment plant solar farm

Image: Shoalhaven City Council

Shoalhaven Water’s sewage treatment facility near Callala Bay in New South Wales may be the site of a major solar farm – and a floating solar power facility is also being considered elsewhere in the region. [Read more…]

Australian Directors Consider Renewables A Top Infrastructure Priority

Australian company directors - renewable energy

The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) bi-annual Director Sentiment Index shows directors are concerned about energy prices and policy, but are bullish on renewables. [Read more…]

American Electric Power’s Solar And Wind Energy Splurge

American Electric Power and solar energy

It may not be squeaky clean and green, but American Electric Power (AEP) has and will continue to make solid inroads into cutting carbon emissions, with some help from wind and solar power. [Read more…]

NEWgenerator – Solar Powered Mini Sewage Treatment Plant

NEWGenerator - solar power

A system developed by University of South Florida engineers that turns sewage into clean water, energy and fertiliser is being further refined with an additional grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [Read more…]

Sterling And Wilson Sets 500MW Australian Solar Goal

Sterling and Wilson - Solar Power

Sterling and Wilson is moving beyond supplying diesel generators and cogeneration energy solutions in Australia – it has set its sights on scoring 500MW of large scale solar EPC contracts here in the next three years. [Read more…]

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