Queensland Election Solar Scorecard

Queensland election solar scorecard

Solar Citizens has released its Solar Scorecard for the Queensland election – and there’s no surprises as to which parties lead and lag on renewables. [Read more…]

2017’s Emissions Projections “A Step Back For Humankind”

Carbon dioxide emissions on the rise

Image: stevepb

After three years of nearly no growth, global carbon dioxide emissions attributable to fossil fuels and industry are expected to reach around 37 billion tonnes in 2017, up 2%. [Read more…]

RCR Tomlinson Preferred Contractor For Two Major Solar Farms

Clermont Solar Farm - Wemen Sun Farm

Image: plonk66

RCR Tomlinson Ltd announced yesterday it has been chosen as the preferred Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor for two new large-scale solar farms in Australia. [Read more…]

CEFC Finances Large-Scale Battery System

Lincoln Gap - wind farm and battery storage

Image: Google Earth

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation announced this morning it will be supporting Australia’s first unsubsidised large-scale grid-connected battery. [Read more…]

Queensland Labor Pledges Solar Funding

Powering Queensland's Future

Advancing solar energy in Queensland will remain an important focus under a re-elected Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

Solar Powered E- Rickshaws Part Of India’s Air Pollution Solution

Solar powered electric rickshaw

It’s hoped solar energy technology will help power a switch in India from particulate belching auto-rickshaws to zero emissions electric models. [Read more…]

Delhi Choking – Air Pollution Emergency Continues

Air pollution in Delhi

Image: alvpics

Air pollution in India’s capital is at such a dire level that schools have been closed, trains are running late, poor visibility is causing car crashes and life appears to be quite miserable in general. [Read more…]

Tesla Powerpack Energy Storage Solution For Nantucket

Tesla Powerpack

National Grid has announced a 48 megawatt-hour battery energy storage system will be installed by Tesla on the island of Nantucket. [Read more…]

Big Solar For Shoalhaven?

Callala water treatment plant solar farm

Image: Shoalhaven City Council

Shoalhaven Water’s sewage treatment facility near Callala Bay in New South Wales may be the site of a major solar farm – and a floating solar power facility is also being considered elsewhere in the region. [Read more…]

Australian Directors Consider Renewables A Top Infrastructure Priority

Australian company directors - renewable energy

The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) bi-annual Director Sentiment Index shows directors are concerned about energy prices and policy, but are bullish on renewables. [Read more…]

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