Powering Past Coal Alliance Builds – Australia Still MIA

Powering Past Coal Alliance

Image: byrev

The number of member countries to join an international alliance with a goal of rapidly phasing-out conventional coal power has quickly grown. [Read more…]

International Battery Storage Standard Adopted In Australia

Australian battery storage standard

Image: samfabersf

Standards Australia announced the adoption of an international battery standard last week, part of a larger plan to help ensure Australian consumers are protected as the home energy storage market grows. [Read more…]

CEFC Clocks Up 1GW+ Of Large-Scale Solar Investments

Solar Power - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Image: CEFC

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation is finishing the year on a strong note, committing $207 million in debt finance to accelerate the development of two large-scale solar farms. [Read more…]

NAB Ends Coal Mine Financing, Creates New Renewables Portfolio

National Australia Bank - Renewables vs. coal

Images : NAB

National Australia Bank announced yesterday funding for new thermal coal mining projects was now off the table and a Low Carbon Shared Portfolio, a new way for institutional investors to back renewable energy projects. [Read more…]

Australian Small Scale Solar Installation Statistics For November 2017

November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again. [Read more…]

JA Solar Claims World Record For 60-Cell PERC Solar Panel

JA Solar PERC solar panels

JA Solar has announced output power of its 60-cell solar modules comprised of mono-Si PERC cells has exceeded 325W; reaching 326.67W [Read more…]

Johns Hopkins University To Divest From Thermal Coal

One of the USA’s leading research universities, Johns Hopkins, has hopped on the coal divestment bandwagon after ongoing pressure from a student group. [Read more…]

PM Turnbull Receives Dear Malcolm Letter Re: Adani Coal Loan

Adani coal project loan veto

Image : Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has made good on an election promise to veto a $1 billion concessional loan to Adani for the Northern Galilee Basin Rail Project, part of its Carmichael mine project. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Announces NEJF Round And Microgrid Initiative

Renewable energy in Victoria

Image: Victorian Government

More funding is being made available to assist Victoria towards its goal of 40 percent renewable energy by 2025. [Read more…]

Byron Bay’s Solar Train On Track To Open Saturday

Byron Bay solar powered train

It’s full steam ahead (so to speak) for Byron Bay’s solar powered train, which will start offering train rides to the public from this weekend. [Read more…]

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