AEMC Releases 2017 Residential Electricity Price Trends Report

Electricity pricing in Australia

The Australian Energy Market Commission’s outlook  for residential electricity prices over the next couple of years is a mixed bag of news. [Read more…]

Powering Past Coal Alliance Builds – Australia Still MIA

Powering Past Coal Alliance

Image: byrev

The number of member countries to join an international alliance with a goal of rapidly phasing-out conventional coal power has quickly grown. [Read more…]

International Battery Storage Standard Adopted In Australia

Australian battery storage standard

Image: samfabersf

Standards Australia announced the adoption of an international battery standard last week, part of a larger plan to help ensure Australian consumers are protected as the home energy storage market grows. [Read more…]

CEFC Clocks Up 1GW+ Of Large-Scale Solar Investments

Solar Power - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Image: CEFC

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation is finishing the year on a strong note, committing $207 million in debt finance to accelerate the development of two large-scale solar farms. [Read more…]

NAB Ends Coal Mine Financing, Creates New Renewables Portfolio

National Australia Bank - Renewables vs. coal

Images : NAB

National Australia Bank announced yesterday funding for new thermal coal mining projects was now off the table and a Low Carbon Shared Portfolio, a new way for institutional investors to back renewable energy projects. [Read more…]

Australian Small Scale Solar Installation Statistics For November 2017

November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again. [Read more…]

JA Solar Claims World Record For 60-Cell PERC Solar Panel

JA Solar PERC solar panels

JA Solar has announced output power of its 60-cell solar modules comprised of mono-Si PERC cells has exceeded 325W; reaching 326.67W [Read more…]

Johns Hopkins University To Divest From Thermal Coal

One of the USA’s leading research universities, Johns Hopkins, has hopped on the coal divestment bandwagon after ongoing pressure from a student group. [Read more…]

PM Turnbull Receives Dear Malcolm Letter Re: Adani Coal Loan

Adani coal project loan veto

Image : Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has made good on an election promise to veto a $1 billion concessional loan to Adani for the Northern Galilee Basin Rail Project, part of its Carmichael mine project. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Announces NEJF Round And Microgrid Initiative

Renewable energy in Victoria

Image: Victorian Government

More funding is being made available to assist Victoria towards its goal of 40 percent renewable energy by 2025. [Read more…]

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