Image: PublicDomainPictures
The Victorian Government yesterday announced projects sharing in $4.3 million in Climate Change Innovation grants, among which were a few relating to solar energy. [Read more…]
Image: PublicDomainPictures
The Victorian Government yesterday announced projects sharing in $4.3 million in Climate Change Innovation grants, among which were a few relating to solar energy. [Read more…]
Image: Simon Fraser University via Flickr
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner yesterday announced his government will go ahead with permitting fracking of onshore unconventional shale gas reservoirs in the NT, ending a moratorium on the activity. [Read more…]
Image credit: Western Power
It’s time to get cracking on microgrids in fringe-of-grid locations across Western Australia says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]
Image: Renew Estate
A proposed solar farm project near Gladstone may be shifting sites, while a couple of other projects in the pipeline for the region will be among the largest PV facilities in Australia. [Read more…]
SolarEdge was named the gold winner in the renewable energy category of this year’s Edison Awards for its HD-Wave inverter technology. [Read more…]
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern | Via Facebook
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced last Thursday that no further offshore oil and gas exploration permits will be issued by the Government, but this doesn’t mean activities will end overnight – not by a long shot. [Read more…]
Solar panel image Stocksnap
Many solar panel and some inverter models have been removed from the Clean Energy Council Approved Products Lists this year – and the CEC has again warned installers not to get caught out. [Read more…]
Wide Bay Group Linen Service’s Maryborough Facility | Image via Bruce Saunders MP/Facebook
One of the largest linen service providers in Australia is to have solar panels installed on its facilities in order to cut electricity costs and emissions. [Read more…]
King of the gods Jupiter (not Ronald, although the two are often confused) explains home solar in ABC’s The Checkout.
ABC’s The Checkout ran a jam-packed 10-minute segment on home solar power basics on Tuesday night, covering a broad range of topics – and SolarQuotes received a couple of mentions. [Read more…]
Image: Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Adelaide
Analysis released yesterday by the Australian PV Institute indicates Adelaide’s CBD could support 129MW of solar panels on the rooftops of its buildings. [Read more…]
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