Queensland Government Appliance Rebate Scheme Announced

Energy efficiency rebate in Queensland
Queensland solar owners (and all Queenslanders) looking to further reduce their electricity bills can take advantage of a new energy efficiency rebate. [Read more…]

Green Light For Hay Sun Farm

Solar farm for Hay, New South Wales

Hay Shire Council has welcomed a decision by New South Wales’ Department of Planning and Environment approving the development of a major solar farm in the region. [Read more…]

Northern Power Station’s Legacy Lingers

Northern Power Station demolition

Image: Flinders Power

The South Australian city of Port Augusta was reportedly again shrouded in haze yesterday by dust emanating from the Northern Power Station site. [Read more…]

Basslink Failure Row Continues

Basslink cable failure

Image: Basslink

There wasn’t a lot of peace and goodwill between Hydro Tasmania and Basslink Pty Ltd last week, with the pair clashing over the 2015/16 Basslink outage. [Read more…]

More Solar Road Pilot Projects Completed

Solar road in Monaco

Heavy shading is perhaps not the best promo shot for a solar road | Image : Monaco Government

Despite the technology’s challenges, the solar roads concept captured the public’s imagination a few years back – and projects have been ongoing. [Read more…]

Australian Solar + Battery Installation Statistics

solar and battery installations - Australia

Image: Tesla (Powerwall 2)

Late last year, Australia was experiencing somewhat of a frenzy of interest in solar + battery storage. How has that panned out? [Read more…]

UK : Record High For Renewables, Record Low For Coal And Gas

Renewable energy - UK

Image: seagul

Renewable energy’s share of electricity generation in the UK hit a new Q3 record, while coal and gas based generation experienced a record low. [Read more…]

More Solar To Power Up In Mareeba Shire

Solar energy in Mareeba Shire, Queensland

Image: Danmiles

Queensland’s Mareeba region will be racking up a bunch of solar panels in the near future after another large-scale PV project was granted the go-ahead last week. [Read more…]

Floating Solar Power Plant For Adelaide Reservoir

Floating solar power - Adelaide, South Australia

Image: 3444753

A floating solar plant will be installed at a metropolitan reservoir in Adelaide – part of a much larger solar PV rollout announced today by SA Water. [Read more…]

Renewables Continue To Squeeze Out Coal In Germany

Solar power in Germany

Solar panels image: anaterate

Germany’s Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW) says renewable energy sources are expected to have accounted for more than 36% of gross electricity consumption in the country in 2017. [Read more…]

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