Bendigo Sustainability Group is powering towards reaching fundraising goals for two community solar energy projects in its region. [Read more…]
UNSW Researchers Break CZTS Solar Cell Efficiency Record
While CZTS solar cell technology may still not be ready for prime time, it’s getting closer thanks to the efforts of UNSW Sydney researchers. [Read more…]
The Big Benefits Of Small Off-Grid Solar Power
Micro off grid solar systems deployed in households across East Africa are boosting productivity, connectivity, health, prosperity and general quality of life. [Read more…]
Fujitsu Joins RE100, Sets Example For Other Companies In Japan
Fujitsu has become the tenth Japanese company to join the RE100, an initiative encouraging the world’s most influential firms to commit to 100% renewable power. It’s a particularly significant announcement given the state of energy in Japan. [Read more…]
831kW Commercial Solar Project In Tasmania Officially Opened
Image: Beon Energy Solutions
One of Tasmania’s largest commercial solar power projects has been completed and is ready to put a major dent in locally-owned freight company SRT Logistics’ power bills. [Read more…]
WA Coal Town Council Votes Against Saving With Solar Power
Image: markusspiske
Installing solar panels could have saved Shire of Collie and its ratepayers a bucket of cash, but Council has voted against the idea. Why? Because Collie is a coal town. [Read more…]
Queensland’s Solar Schools Tender Kicks Off
A tender process has commenced for the Queensland Government’s $97 million Advancing Clean Energy Schools (ACES) program, which will see solar power systems installed on the rooftops of hundreds of schools. [Read more…]
Victoria’s Electricity Distributors On Notice For Summer
Image: Alexas_Fotos
A new report has again confirmed that Victoria’s Australia Day long weekend blackouts had nothing to do with renewables or a lack of energy supply, and has made recommendations to avoid a re-occurrence. [Read more…]
Solar Energy To Power Facebook Data Center
Facebook’s data center in Prineville, Oregon will be supported by 100 percent renewables from new solar energy developments announced early today. [Read more…]
WA Government Boosts Backing For Battery Industry Research Centre Bid
Image: PublicDomainPictures
Stating Western Australia to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for battery materials, the McGowan Government has stumped up more funds to back a bid seeking to establish the Future Batteries Industries Cooperative Research Centre (FBI CRC) in Perth. [Read more…]
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