While humanity really didn’t need another reason to distance itself from coal and fully embrace renewables + storage, yet another good one has emerged – to help reduce new cases of Type 2 diabetes. [Read more…]
Vegan Electricity – It’s Now A Thing
Households and businesses are increasingly utilising a mains electricity supply with a renewable energy component – but is it vegan? And should we care anyway? Some may. [Read more…]
Installers Invited To Register EOI For Logan Solar Power Rollout
Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government is inviting expressions of interest from companies keen to participate in a solar power system rollout in Logan. [Read more…]
Redflow Shipping Thai-Made Flow Batteries
Australia’s Redflow has announced it is now shipping its ZBM2 flow batteries, which also form the basis of Redflow’s ZCell energy storage solution, to Australian and international customers. [Read more…]
Tasmania’s Solar Feed-In Tariff Review Kicks Off
Solar owners and supporters in Tasmania have been invited to provide their feedback on the future of Tasmania’s solar feed-in tariff. [Read more…]
City Of Adelaide Preparing For Major Solar Panel Rollout
A tender will soon open for the installation of 1MW of rooftop solar capacity for the City of Adelaide – but not everyone is happy about it. [Read more…]
Yingli Solar’s Struggles Continue
Yingli Green Energy Holdings, more commonly known as Yingli Solar, was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange last week. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – July 2018
Interest in 6kW and larger capacity solar power systems gained steam in June among Australians seeking quotes for solar panels. [Read more…]
Stage One Of Onslow Microgrid Project Completed
The residents of Onslow in Western Australia are a major step closer to a more reliable and less carbon-intensive electricity supply. [Read more…]
IPART Finalises Benchmark Range For NSW Solar Feed-In Tariffs
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s new benchmark range for solar feed in tariffs in New South Wales for 2018/19 is lower, and a time-varying option has also been introduced. [Read more…]
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