Abbott Backs ACCC’s Call For Solar Subsidy Axing

Tony Abbott - solar subsidies

Tony Abbott | Image: via Facebook

Shock, horror. Tony Abbott has embraced the ACCC’s recommendation to axe Australia’s solar subsidy early. [Read more…]

German Pilot Solar Panel Recycling Plant A Success

Solar panel recycling

An industrial solar panel recycling plant built in Germany as a pilot project has performed well according to the European Commission’s Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS). [Read more…]

Nissan JV Company Accelerates Electric Vehicle And Solar Power Plans

Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (DFL)

Image: Nissan

Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (DFL) says it will accelerate its “Green 2022 Plan”, which will see 20 electrified vehicle models by 2022, plus three solar farms developed. [Read more…]

Sun Metals’ Solar Farm Officially Opened

Sun Metals Solar Farm

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk officially opened the Sun Metals Solar Farm on Tuesday, a huge facility incorporating more than 1.3 million solar panels. [Read more…]

Mixed Messages On The Future Of Australia’s Solar Subsidy

Australia's solar subsidy

Is there any real threat of the subsidy for home and small commercial solar power systems being thrown off a cliff – and very soon? It depends on who you listen to. [Read more…]

SunPower : AC Solar Panels Are The Future

SunPower AC Modules

SunPower’s CEO has said AC solar panels are the future, but will its AC modules have a future here in Australia? Local SunPower fans might think even a present would be good for starters. [Read more…]

ACCC Peddles Solar Subsidy Axing To Nationals, Liberals Next

Australia's solar subsidy facing the axe?

Image: Momentmal

The ACCC’s Rod Sims yesterday briefed National Party MPs on a suite of recommendations on electricity affordability, including the premature axing of Australia’s solar subsidy. [Read more…]

Queensland’s PowerWells Looks To Help Out In Lombok

PowerWell micro solar and storage

Logan based PowerWells has been producing off grid micro-solar kits for remote communities in Indonesia and has turned its attention to the unfolding situation in earthquake-ravaged Lombok. [Read more…]

NEG – COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcome

At the COAG Energy Council Meeting on Friday, the Federal Government was told to get its act together on the National Energy Guarantee if it is to have any hope of getting it over the line. [Read more…]

Solar Owner’s Legal Battle With Developer Continues

Solar legal battle

Image: sdblack0

Pauline Tyler has won a legal battle, but not the war against a developer that took her to Queensland’s Supreme Court over her home’s solar panel installation. [Read more…]

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