After taking a second crack at leveling Victoria’s Anglesea Power Station – success; followed by the release of the Land Use Framework for the site yesterday. [Read more…]
Calls For Solar Subsidy Scrapping At Major Australian Energy Summit
Image: braetschit
Banging of the solar subsidy-axing drum grew louder yesterday at The Australian Financial Review National Energy Summit. [Read more…]
16GW Of U.S Coal Power Retirements By Late 2021
Image: byrev
The latest U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Energy Infrastructure Update doesn’t offer much joy to coal power supporters. [Read more…]
Bylong Coal Mine May Proceed
Image: stafichukanatoly
IPCC report be damned. The NSW Government is pushing ahead with approving a major coal mine at Bylong. [Read more…]
Gippsland’s First Solar Microgrid Powered Residential Development
Korumburra in Gippsland, Victoria will soon boast a solar powered residential development backed by a microgrid, designed for those aged 55+. [Read more…]
Solar Farm At Chernobyl Officially Opened
Not the best of days to take a solar power pic | Image: Rodina-Enerparc
Late last week, a solar panel installation at the site of the infamous Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine was officially unveiled. [Read more…]
NT Renewable Energy Target – Movement At The Station
It appeared the Northern Territory Government was so busy fracking around with gas in recent times, it had forgotten its renewable energy commitment. [Read more…]
Volvo Turns To Solar Power
Solar panels recently installed at Volvo’s car factory in Ghent, Belgium represent the first time the company has used solar power for its manufacturing operations. [Read more…]
Light Rail On Water – Solar Powered Ferries For The Gold Coast
Image: Public Domain
Solar powered catamaran ferries may be quietly cruising the waters of the Broadwater and Nerang River on Queensland’s Gold Coast next year. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – October 2018
There’s no slowing Australia’s home solar revolution it seems, with September seeing even more Australians looking to take control of their electricity bills via our service here on SolarQuotes. [Read more…]
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