The Australian Greens are to introduce a bill that if passed would make it unlawful to dig, burn or ship thermal coal after 2030. [Read more…]
Queensland Solar Battery Grant/Loan Scheme Starts Today
While the QLD Government says its battery and solar + storage grants and loans are the next wave in the state’s renewable energy revolution, its effect will be more of a ripple. [Read more…]
How Much Will Australia’s Solar Subsidy Reduce By In 2019?
‘Tis the season for solar subsidy scare tactics. It’s that time of the year again when some solar retailers are starting to scream that the solar rebate/subsidy/incentive will reduce next year, hoping to turn more browsers into buyers. [Read more…]
SolarQuotes’ Finn Peacock On ABC Radio’s Nightlife
Finn Peacock, founder of SolarQuotes appeared on the ABC radio program Nightlife last night. I’m guessing you won’t be surprised to hear he talked about rooftop solar. I’m not saying he’s getting predictable, but I didn’t think the chances of him talking about home coal generation were very high. [Read more…]
Select Committee Into Fair Dinkum Power To Be Established
The upper house yesterday voted to establish a Senate select committee that will look into “fair dinkum power”, which start its work late this month. [Read more…]
Alpha-ESS To Manufacture Solar Battery Systems In Adelaide
Sonnen is no longer the only game in town for heavily subsidised energy storage in South Australia, with an announcement yesterday Alpha-ESS had joined the Home Battery Scheme. [Read more…]
Gunnedah Solar Farm Referred To Independent Planning Commission
A major solar farm proposed for the Gunnedah area in New South Wales has been referred to the IPC as a result of the number of objections lodged. [Read more…]
Intech Energy Container Arrives At Port Of Townsville
An Intech Clean Energy containerised hybrid solar + storage solution arrived in Australia yesterday, which will make its way to a property in north-west Queensland’s McKinlay Shire. [Read more…]
More Large-Scale Solar And Energy Storage Progress In Victoria
Gannawarra Solar Farm is operating at full capacity, construction of its colocated battery system has been completed and Wemen Solar Farm is connected to the grid says developer Wirsol. [Read more…]
Salt Water Solar Power For Singapore
Singapore’s Sunseap Group has announced it will be developing an “offshore” floating solar farm in Johore Strait. [Read more…]
Currently Raging Debates: