Image: Aggreko
Gold Fields’ Granny Smith gold mine east of Laverton in Western Australia will soon boast what’s claimed to be one of the world’s largest hybrid microgrids. [Read more…]
Image: Aggreko
Gold Fields’ Granny Smith gold mine east of Laverton in Western Australia will soon boast what’s claimed to be one of the world’s largest hybrid microgrids. [Read more…]
Victoria’s Central Goldfields Shire Council has granted a planning permit for the Carisbrook Solar Farm project, which will incorporate energy storage. [Read more…]
Registrations can now be lodged for the New South Wales Government’s $55 million Emerging Energy Program, which will support large-scale projects providing dispatchable/on-demand electricity in the state. [Read more…]
The Clean Energy Council has announced the de-listing of all Shanghai Surpass Sun Electric Co Ltd’s (SSE) solar inverters from its approved products list, citing potential safety issues. [Read more…]
Several of Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula Shire’s largest buildings are about to become clean power stations harnessing the energy of the sun. [Read more…]
Image: MrRick
Door-to-door solar power system sales have somewhat of a bad reputation. Unfortunately, it’s well-deserved. [Read more…]
Image: Diana Parkhouse
66 submissions were received for the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program – and coal power reportedly features heavily. [Read more…]
Temperatures climbed in January and so too did interest in installing solar panels – 2019 is gearing up to be another big year for small scale solar power in Australia. [Read more…]
WA Premier Mark McGowan says the battery industry offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Western Australia. [Read more…]
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says Australia it is one of the most resource/carbon-intensive OECD countries, and basically the Government needs to pull its finger out. [Read more…]
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