Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – December 2018

auSSII report covering November 2018

While millions of solar power systems are now installed across Australia, there wasn’t any shortage of new interest in the electricity bill busting technology in November. [Read more…]

Noosa Council Slashing Emissions And Electricity Costs With Solar

Solar power in Noosa Shire

Image: Noosa Council

Queensland’s Noosa Council says it has installed 252 kilowatts of on-site solar power capacity across six of its facilities in the past five months. [Read more…]

Thinning The Herd : Solar Panels Struck From CEC Approved List

Approved solar panels in Australia

In one fell swoop, thousands of solar panel models disappeared from the Clean Energy Council’s approved solar panels list a few days ago. [Read more…]

Australian Rooftop Solar Power System Installations Top 2 Million

Latest estimates put the number of rooftop solar power systems installed across Australia at more than 2,001,130 – with approximately 20.3% of all Australian homes now boasting solar panels. [Read more…]

Climate Action Protest Students Not Done Yet

Climate action school student protest

Image via School Strike For Climate Action

15,000 Australian students went on strike from school in each capital city and more than 20 regional centres across Australia recently. There’s more action to come, but this time outside of school hours. [Read more…]

Queensland Solar And Battery Subsidy To Be Exhausted Soon

Queensland solar battery rebate

1,000 extra subsidy packages have been added to the Queensland Government’s solar and storage scheme – but it’s likely they won’t last long. [Read more…]

City of Ryde Eyeing 60% Renewables By 2030

Ryde Council - solar power

In a meeting on Tuesday, Sydney’s City of Ryde gave the nod to investigating the potential of substantially amping up its use of renewable energy sources. [Read more…]

Opal Aged Care’s Solar Power Rollout

Opal Aged Care solar rollout

Opal Aged Care is installing more than 10,600 solar panels at 54 of its properties across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland as part of a broader energy efficiency program. [Read more…]

Amendments To Australia’s Renewable Energy Regulations Proposed

When is a small-scale solar power system a large-scale system? The Department of Environment And Energy wants to clarify this through changes to renewable energy regulations. [Read more…]

WA’s Government Promises Renewables From Fracking Cash

Gas fracking moratorium lifted in Western Australia

Image: Lock The Gate Alliance

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has announced it has lifted a moratorium on fracking, but assures everyone things will be A-OK and has dangled a renewable energy carrot. [Read more…]

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