Image: Motorjan11
In a situation that’s become all too common, households in Western Australia may again be paying more for electricity from July 1 this year. [Read more…]
Image: Motorjan11
In a situation that’s become all too common, households in Western Australia may again be paying more for electricity from July 1 this year. [Read more…]
New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council switched on its new 165kW solar panel installation at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre (TRAC) in Murwillumbah last week. [Read more…]
The quote counter for Australia’s go-to site for all things solar power, SolarQuotes, quietly ticked over to 400,000 early this week – the number representing equivalent to one in 25 Australian homes. [Read more…]
New South Wales bus operator Busways has unveiled a shiny new solar power system at its Penrith depot. [Read more…]
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced yesterday it has accepted an electricity retailer authorisation application from Hanwha Energy Retail Australia (Hanwha ERA). [Read more…]
City of Vincent (Council) in WA is installing solar panels on four of its large buildings – and expects a rapid payback on its investment. [Read more…]
Image: stux
Results from two recent polls indicate many Australians are on board with accelerating an electric vehicle revolution across the nation. [Read more…]
In its latest Installer News, the Clean Energy Council has flagged a couple of recent instances where Australian solar businesses have caught the attention of government consumer watchdogs. [Read more…]
Image: Totally Renewable Yackandandah
Victoria’s historic Old Beechworth Gaol site is now more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run thanks to the addition of solar panels. [Read more…]
Finn and Ronald chat about some of the major solar energy stories from the past week, talk solar panel direction and relive the glory of the company’s first D&D tournament. [Read more…]
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