How To Take A Factory Off-Grid With Solar And Storage

SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock chats with Glen Morris from SolarQuip about an interesting project involving taking a small factory off-grid with solar and storage using a very clever approach. [Read more…]

Billionaire Pledges USD$500 Million To Help End U.S. Coal Power

Beyond Carbon

Entrepreneur, philanthropist and three-term Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg is coughing up a big chunk of change to fund an effort to end coal power in the USA. [Read more…]

SA Power Networks Limits Three-Phase Exports To 15kW

Solar power and three-phase in South Australia

If you’re a South Australian who needs three-phase output from your solar power kit, I hope you’ve already made your application to SA Power Networks for approval, because from the end of May, new rules limit three-phase export in that state to 5kW per phase. [Read more…]

Act Now On Emissions Says Farmers For Climate Action

Farmers for Climate Action - FCA

A group representing thousands of farmers across Australia is demanding the Federal Government takes “swift and decisive action” to rein in the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. [Read more…]

Beryl Solar Plant Now Supplying Electricity For Sydney Metro

Beryl Solar Plant

Beryl Solar Plant in NSW is complete and has commenced commercial operations, delivering electricity for Sydney Metro. [Read more…]

Greens Pushing Harder For Early Closure Of Yallourn Power Station

Yallourn Power Station

Image: Yallourn Power Station | Marcus Wong, CC BY-SA 3.0

The Victorian Greens are using the recommendations of a report on emission reduction targets to back their call for closing Yallourn Power Station early. [Read more…]

QBE Commits To 100% Renewable Electricity

QBE renewable energy

Insurance giant QBE has joined the RE100 initiative and pledged to source “100 per cent” renewable electricity for its operations around the world by the end of 2025. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – June 2019

auSSII solar report - June 2019

Did the high level of interest in advanced solar power system monitoring we saw in April continue in May? Find out in our latest Australian Solar Systems Interest Index (auSSII) report. [Read more…]

Inner West Council Dumps All Fossil Fuel Investments

Fossil fuel divestment - Sydne

New South Wales’ Inner West Council announced yesterday it is the first council in the state to be totally divested from fossil fuels. [Read more…]

Isaac Regional Council Considering Floating PV

floating solar power system

Image: SolarWriter, CC BY-SA 3.0

Queensland’s Isaac Regional Council has given the green light for investigating the potential of using floating solar power system installations on its water assets. [Read more…]

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