Kalbarri Microgrid Update

Microgrid for Kalbarri, Western Australia

While the original target of 2019 has proven to be too optimistic, Western Power says a microgrid project in Western Australia’s Mid-West region will be operational next year. [Read more…]

Fraud Conviction For Solar Installer 

Clean Energy Regulator - solar installation fraud

On Tuesday, a CEC accredited solar installer and licenced electrician was convicted over solar installations he claimed to have performed – but didn’t. [Read more…]

Byron Shire Council Kicks Off Solar Farm Community Consultation

Dingo Lane Solar Farm - Byron Shire

Community engagement relating to a proposed 5-megawatt solar farm in Byron Shire in New South Wales’ Northern Rivers region has started with an on-site information session. [Read more…]

Bifacial Solar Panels For Cairns Regional Council PV Project

Bifacial solar panels - Cairns Regional Council

Cairns Regional Council has announced the awarding of a contract to construct ground-mount solar farms at five wastewater treatment plants. [Read more…]

Sungrow Reaches 100 Gigawatts Of Inverter Shipments

Sungrow solar inverter shipments

Solar inverter manufacturing giant Sungrow announced yesterday it has reached a milestone of 100GW of shipped inverter capacity. [Read more…]

Solar Panel Installation At La Trobe University Library Commences

Solar panels at La Trobe University

Works are under way to install more than 1,100 solar panels on the rooftop of La Trobe University’s Bundoora Campus Library in Melbourne’s north-east. [Read more…]

Go-Ahead Given For Maryvale Solar Farm

Maryvale Solar Farm

Image: Photon Energy

A $188 million solar energy project at Maryvale, near Wellington in New South Wales has been approved by the state’s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. [Read more…]

Small-Scale Solar Postcode Zone Changes Take Effect On January 1

Solar postcode zones

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has announced changes to postcode zones for solar power system installations will kick in from the beginning of next year; impacting on the amount of subsidy available in some areas. [Read more…]

AEMC Releases Residential Electricity Price Trends Report 

AEMC electricity price trends

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) thinks cheaper electricity bills are on the cards for many Australians over the next few years, largely thanks to the impact of renewable energy. But your mileage may vary. [Read more…]

WA’s Consumer Protection Flags Growing Solar Complaints

Solar complaints in WA

The popularity of solar power in Western Australia is accompanied by an increase in related complaints according to Consumer Protection. [Read more…]

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