More Off-Grid Solar + Energy Storage For The Bush?

Off grid solar power

Image: Horizon Power

The bushfire crisis has some electricity distributors thinking more about utilising solar power and battery storage. [Read more…]

Scumbags Steal Solar Panels From Fire Lookout Tower

Solar panel theft

Low-life, degenerate pus buckets have stolen solar panels that could help save lives from a site near Gympie in Queensland. [Read more…]

JinkoSolar Boasts Bifacial Panel Conversion Efficiency Record

JinkoSolar bifacial solar panels

Solar module manufacturer JinkoSolar has staked a claim for achieving the highest conversion efficiency in bifacial panels to date. [Read more…]

SA Energy Minister Praises Bonney Big Battery

Lake Bonney big battery

Lake Bonney Battery Energy Storage System – (artist’s impression via Infigen Energy)

South Australia’s Minister for Energy and Mining Dan “The Battery Man” van Holst Pellekaan is pretty excited about Infigen Energy’s Lake Bonney big battery. [Read more…]

Noosa To Host Cities Power Partnership Summit

Transforming Australian Energy

Noosa Council has been chosen to host a national summit later this year for local government, industry and community leaders doing their bit towards Australia’s energy transformation. [Read more…]

Celebrating Matt Kean Awareness Day

Minister Matt Kean

Here are some quick notes members of the Morrison Ministry may find handy in case they are ever asked who Matt Kean is. [Read more…]

More Solar Energy For Somerset Regional Council

Somerset Regional Council - solar panels

Solar panels have recently appeared on the rooftops of another three Somerset Regional Council buildings as part of a Council initiative to reduce energy costs and emissions. [Read more…]

Longi Claims Another Solar Panel Efficiency Record

Longi solar panels

Solar panel manufacturing goliath Longi has announced what it says is “a new world record” for conversion efficiency in a monocrystalline module. But is it? [Read more…]

Bushfire Assistance Available From Solar Victoria

Solar Victoria - bushfires

Solar Victoria has offered a helping hand to Solar Homes program rebate applicants, customers and installation businesses doing it tough as a result of bushfires. [Read more…]

EnergyAustralia Solar Feed-In Tariff Changes

EnergyAustralia feed in tariff

“Big 3” electricity retailer EnergyAustralia has very recently updated its solar feed-tariff rates – with three states losing out. [Read more…]

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