SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 31 – The C Word

SQ cops a cranky caller, getting the most from solar power, concerns over the CEC’s Approved Solar Retailer Scheme and more. [Read more…]

Canberra’s Second Zero Emissions School To Open In 2021

zero emissions school - Canberra

Image: Yvette Berry MLA via Facebook

The ACT Government has announced the builder of the Territory’s second zero-emissions school, and says detailed design work for construction has already begun. [Read more…]

Yarra City Council’s 100% Renewables Powered Electric Tipper

Yarra City Council - electric tipper

Victoria’s Yarra City Council recently acquired an electric tipper truck, said to be the first of its type in Australia. [Read more…]

NT’s Draft Climate Change Response “Utter Crap”

Northern Territory climate change response

There are many references to solar power in the Northern Territory Government’s Draft Climate Change Response, but it treads super-lightly on the topic of hydraulic fracturing, aka fracking. [Read more…]

Millions Gear Up For Global Climate Strike

Global Climate Strike

Tomorrow marks the start of climate protests across the planet on a scale that is likely to be the largest the world has ever seen. [Read more…]

ClearVue Beefs Up Solar PV Glass Size

ClearVue solar glass

ClearVue sees a future so bright, the guy on the left’s gotta wear shades.

Australia’s ClearVue Technologies Limited has announced it’s now able to produce solar PV glass nearly double its previous largest panel size. [Read more…]

Solar Panel Validation Initiative Update

Solar panel validation - Australia

Australia’s Solar Panel Validation Initiative (SPV) is another weapon being used in the battle against crap solar – and appears to be progressing well. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Rebates Snapped Up Again

Solar rebates in Victoria

The second allocation of Victorian solar rebates for September flew out the door yesterday – indicating supply still isn’t touching the sides of demand. [Read more…]

More Solar Energy For Gippsland Water

Gippsland Water - solar energy

Victoria’s Gippsland Water announced last week it had installed more than 1,800 solar panels as part of its quest to slash the corporation’s carbon emissions. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 30 – Solar Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Finn and Ronald discuss how much deposit you should pay your solar installer, a major proposed wind/solar/storage project in SA, Project EnergyConnect and much more. [Read more…]

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