Australia’s 6.5 – 7kW Solar Power System Installations Quadruple

Solar energy systems - Australia

Image: Seagul

Australia is set to have another huge year for small-scale solar installations according to figures and a forecast released by the Clean Energy Regulator yesterday. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Rebate – Update

Solar power rebate - Victoria

Leading up to November’s first Victorian solar panel rebate allocation tomorrow, Solar Victoria has released some statistics on the last round. [Read more…]

The CEC’s Enhanced Listings Program For Solar Panels

CEC enhanced listings for solar panels

What do cows have to do with solar panel quality? Read on.

The Clean Energy Council’s Enhanced Listings Program for solar panels has grown significantly since July last year, with modules from 20 companies now included. [Read more…]

Electricity Meter Changeovers Still A Problem In South Australia

Electricity meter

Image: rgaudet17

The failure of some electricity retailers to adapt to a new electricity metering regime has been highlighted in a report by South Australia’s Energy & Water Ombudsman. [Read more…]

Sanjeev Gupta Shooting For Carbon Neutral Steel

Carbnn neutral steel - Sanjeev Gupta

Man of steel and solar energy fan Sanjeev Gupta has announced a goal to create the world’s first carbon neutral steel company by 2030. [Read more…]

AAA Supports Electric Vehicle Usage Tax

Electric vehicle tax - Australia

Image: stux

A poll commissioned by the Australian Automobile Association indicates the majority of Australian drivers support an electric vehicle usage fee or tax – and so does the AAA. [Read more…]

City of Fremantle Trialling Electric Garbage Truck

EVie - Electric Garbage Truck

In Western Australia, the City of Fremantle is trialling a fully electric waste collection truck provided by national waste management firm Cleanaway. [Read more…]

Surf’s Up – With Renewable Energy

Inland surfing and renewable energy

An inland surf park in the UK powered by renewable energy opened on the weekend – and there’s also one in Australia not far behind. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Innovation Making Australian Solar Installers ‘Appy

SolarQuotes app

An app recently released by SolarQuotes has received very positive feedback from SQ’s installer clients that have started using it. [Read more…]

46,000 Victorian Solar Power Installations Since Solar Homes Launch

Victoria Solar Homes program

Victoria’s Andrews Labor Government is claiming major success with its Solar Homes program – particularly on the PV side of things. [Read more…]

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