A Slow Start For 2020’s First Victorian Solar Panel Rebates 

Victoria Solar Homes update

As at 6AM this morning, Solar Victoria’s website indicated 578 rebates for home solar power systems remained in January’s first round. [Read more…]

Horsham Rural City Council Harvesting The Sun

Horsham Town Hall - solar power

Horsham Town Hall is now reaping the benefits of solar energy, with more solar panel installations for Horsham Rural City Council assets on the way. [Read more…]

JA Solar To Build New Cell And Panel Manufacturing Plants

JA Solar panels

Chinese PV manufacturer JA Solar has announced intentions of expanding its manufacturing capacity with the construction of two new factories in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – January 2020

auSSII Australian solar power report - December 2019

The last month of 2019 didn’t see the usual degree of slowdown in interest from Australians wanting to bust their electricity bills by installing a solar power system. [Read more…]

Australia’s Solar Rebate In 2020 – What You Need To Know

Australia's solar rebate in 2020

The start of the new year brings changes to Australia’s hugely popular solar rebate – but solar power system buyers may not see any significant impact. [Read more…]

Nuclear Power Plant Reactors In Germany, Sweden Shut Down For Good

Nuclear reactor shutdowns in Sweden and Germany

As Europe increasingly turns to renewable energy based electricity generation options such as wind and solar power, the plugs have been pulled on another 2 nuclear reactors. [Read more…]

Baringhup Solar Farm Gets Go-Ahead

Baringhup Solar Farm

A controversial solar energy + battery storage project in the Shire of Mount Alexander in central Victoria has reportedly been given the green light by the state’s planning minister. [Read more…]

Europe’s Largest Solar Farm Completed

Iberdrola Núñez de Balboa solar farm

Spain’s Iberdrola has announced completion of construction of the 500MW Núñez de Balboa solar farm project in the country’s western region of Extremadura. [Read more…]

Shoalhaven Solar Owners’ Water Restrictions Reprieve

Solar panels and bushfire ash

Image: Fuzz

While water restrictions are in place in NSW’s Shoalhaven Council region, residential solar system owners have been granted an exemption to wash bushfire ash off their solar panels. [Read more…]

New Energy Solar Announces U.S. Solar Farm Completion

Mount Signal Solar

Australia’s New Energy Solar has announced construction of the Mount Signal 2 solar plant in California is complete. [Read more…]

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