AGL Macquarie Cops $100,000 Coal Ash Penalty

Coal ash penalty

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says AGL Macquarie has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking that will see it coughing up $100,000 after another breach of regulations concerning the management of coal ash. [Read more…]

New Wind, Solar, Energy Storage And Gas Power For Esperance

Esperance Power Project

Image via Horizon Power

The town of Esperance in Western Australia is to benefit from a from a major project that will deliver cleaner and greener electricity at a greatly reduced cost. [Read more…]

REC Offers Another Warranty Boost For Its Solar Panels

REC solar panels

Solar panel manufacturer REC last week announced improved warranty coverage for its products, but perhaps a little prematurely. [Read more…]

SA Water’s Big Solar And Storage Push In 2020

SA Water - solar energy

SA Water says it is investing more than $300 million in solar power installations and energy storage during the course of this year. [Read more…]

WA Government Funding Renewable Hydrogen Feasibility Studies

Renewable Hydrogen - Western Australia

Image source: WA Government

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has stumped up $1.68 million to support renewable hydrogen feasibility studies across the state. [Read more…]

Study: Coal Power Shutdowns Saved Lives And Crops

Coal power shutdown effect on human and crop health

A study out of University of California San Diego states coal-fired electricity generation shutdowns in the USA have saved tens of thousands of lives and millions of bushels of important crops. [Read more…]

Queensland’s First Community-Scale Battery Project Nears Prime Time

Tesla Powerpack battery project - Queensland

The first community-scale battery storage facility in Queensland – featuring Tesla Powerpack batteries – will soon be operational according to the Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

Fossil Fuel Producers Should Pay For Bushfire Recovery Fund : TAI

Image: Scott Morrison via Facebook

The Australia Institute welcomed the Morrison Government’s $2 billion bushfire recovery fund announcement, but questions why regular taxpayers will be paying for it. [Read more…]

Zero Mass Water’s New Water-From-Air Extraction System

Zero Mass Water Source Rexi Hydropanel

Image: Zero Mass Water via VentureBeat

The company commercially producing a solar powered device that extracts drinking water from air will be showcasing the new Source Rexi hydropanel at CES in Las Vegas this week. [Read more…]

Solar Car Park Latest PV Addition For Brimbank City Council

Solar installation for Brimbank Multideck car park

Brimbank Multideck car park (pre-solar panels)

A 250-space multi-level car park in the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine is now cranking out clean electricity – part of a solar power rollout by Brimbank City Council. [Read more…]

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