NZ Labour Commits To Accelerated Renewables Target

Jacinda Ardern - renewable energy

In the lead-up to next month’s election, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has committed to bringing forward the country’s 100 percent renewable electricity generation target five years to 2030. [Read more…]

SA Home Solar Battery Subsidy To Be Slashed Again

South Australia Home Battery Scheme

South Australia’s Home Battery Scheme subsidy will soon get another haircut, dropping by $1,000. [Read more…]

Geelong Council Going For Renewables Gold

Geelong Council and solar power

The City of Greater Geelong has adopted an environment strategy that will see it increasingly turning to renewable energy. [Read more…]

Queensland Renewable Energy Projects And Jobs “At Risk”

Queensland renewable energy target

The Queensland LNP’s policy position to ditch the state’s renewable energy target could delay projects and thousands of jobs says Solar Citizens. [Read more…]

Solar My School Scores Another Award

Solar my School

The multi award-winning Solar my School initiative has just picked up another gong – a Good Design Award. [Read more…]

US Gen Z’ers Want Solar Jobs Over Coal Careers

Solar jobs more popular than coal careers

Image: Hangela

Adding to its woes, the coal industry is likely to have recruitment problems in the years ahead as many youngsters aren’t interested in a career in the sector. But when it comes to solar power, it’s a very different story. [Read more…]

Byron Shire’s Draft Net Zero Emissions Plan Up For Public Comment

Byron Shire - solar energy

New South Wales’ Byron Shire Council has invited the local community to provide feedback on its Net Zero Emissions Action Plan. [Read more…]

ACT Greens Dangle Subsidies And Free Rego For Electric Cars

Electric car subsidies - Canberra

The ACT Greens have announced a $50 million plan as part of a larger strategy supporting electric vehicle uptake in the Territory with the aim of getting “Canberra’s rEVolution” really into gear. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – September 2020

auSSII Australian home solar energy snapshot covering August 2020

The latest auSSII report provides a snapshot showing what Australians were shopping for in solar power and battery systems during August. [Read more…]

What Drives Queensland Electric Car Owners

Queensland electric vehicle owner survey report

Research out of Griffith University has revealed some interesting stuff about early-adopter electric vehicle owners in Queensland. [Read more…]

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