Wyndham City’s Solar Rollout Progress

Wyndham City - solar panels

Victoria’s Wyndham City local government area is facing challenging times with COVID-19, but a bit of good news has been Council’s progress on solar power. [Read more…]

Have Your Say On Proposed Solar Export Charges

Solar export charges

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is calling for submissions on proposed changes to National Electricity Rules, including allowing for charges to be whacked on those who export solar electricity. [Read more…]

Renewable Newstead Solar Farm Project Update

Newstead solar farm

The town of Newstead in Central Victoria is another step close to achieving its ambitious solar energy goals. [Read more…]

Coles Going Bananas Over Solar

Coles and solar energy

That should probably read going solar for bananas1 – but anyhow. A new facility in Melbourne with the capacity to ripen 350 million pieces of fruit every year is being powered with solar energy. [Read more…]

More Solar Panels For SA’s Mitcham Council

Mitcham Council - solar energy

Adelaide’s City of Mitcham has beefed up its solar power capacity with the installation of panels at four facilities that will save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next decade. [Read more…]

LG *Not* Exiting Solar Business

LG Solar news

There have been a few interesting LG news items over the last week or so in relation to the company’s solar and energy storage activities. Here’s a summary. [Read more…]

Solar Energy Rollout For Hunter Water

Solar energy - Hunter Water

New South Wales’ Berejiklian government is investing more than $15 million for the installation of solar power and other renewable energy systems at Hunter Water facilities. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Wants Solar Panels On More Rental Homes

Solar power for renters in Victoria

An expansion of Victoria’s Solar Homes program is providing landlords with an interest-free loan in addition to the state’s generous solar subsidy. [Read more…]

Solar + Energy Storage To Help Power WA Economic Recovery

Solar and energy storage - WA recovery plan

Western Australia’s McGowan Government yesterday announced a $66.3 million renewable energy focused package to help boost the state’s economy. [Read more…]

Solar Power Push For Sydney’s Northern Beaches

Manly solar installation

Manly Andrew ‘Boy’ Charlton Aquatic Centre solar panel installation

Northern Beaches Council has just installed its largest solar power system to date and is encouraging residents to join the solar energy revolution. [Read more…]

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