Work To Start Soon On Melbourne Water’s Huge Solar Farm

Melbourne Water - solar energy

Construction of one of the largest behind-the-meter solar power installations in Australia is set to begin in January at Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP). [Read more…]

City of Bayswater Racks Up More Solar On Community Buildings

City of Bayswater - solar energy

Western Australia’s City of Bayswater is edging towards its renewable energy target, with another 5 community buildings now sporting solar panels. [Read more…]

USC’s Solar + Water Battery System: One Year (And A Bit) On

USC solar power and water battery

An innovative solar power and “water battery” system at University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland has proven to be a winner for USC – and the environment. [Read more…]

Hawaii’s Keck Observatory Goes Solar

Keck Observatory solar panels

Hawaii’s W. M. Keck Observatory recently unveiled what is claimed to be the world’s largest high-altitude commercial solar system installation. [Read more…]

Ravenswood Solar Farm Decision Tonight

Ravenwsood Solar Farm decision

Victoria’s Mount Alexander Shire Council will decide the fate of FRV’s development application for a proposed solar farm in Ravenswood South this evening. [Read more…]

NAB Takes Another Step Towards 100% Renewable Electricity

National Australia Bank - renewable energy

National Australia Bank has signed a three-year deal with Engie involving the purchase of renewable energy certificates to offset power used in all NAB’s Australian branches. [Read more…]

Vatican Commits To Net-Zero Emissions By 2050

Pope Francis - Vatican net zero emissions

In a video message sent to participants in a virtual climate summit on the weekend, Pope Francis has committed Vatican City to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. 2050?? [Read more…]

SunPower Maxeon 5 AC Solar Panel Unveiled

SunPower Maxeon 5 AC solar panels

Maxeon Solar Technologies has announced its new SunPower Maxeon 5 AC solar panel is available in selected European countries. If and when it will be available in Australia isn’t clear. [Read more…]

What Are These Tier 1 Solar Panels You Speak Of?

Tier 1 solar panels

Solar power system offers spruiking “tier 1” solar panels without mentioning a brand should be treated with a degree of skepticism. [Read more…]

Pressure Turned Up On Coles To Commit To 100% Renewables

Coles and renewable energy

Close to three-quarters of Australian shoppers want Coles to switch to 100% renewable electricity according to results from a new poll. [Read more…]

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