Caravan Solar Panels – Are Your Mounting Brackets Just Glued On?

Caravan solar panel safety

Image source: Graeme Twine via ABC

“Glue and screw” is the message a camper trailer owner has for those installing solar panels on caravan roofs – it could save lives. [Read more…]

Blacktown City Council Solar Panel Installation Complete

Blacktown City Council solar panel installation

The installation of solar panels for a 707kW PV project for Sydney’s Blacktown City Council involving multiple sites was completed last week according to Risen Energy Australia. [Read more…]

First Green Light For Gold Coast Region Solar + Battery Project

Golmine solar farm location

Image: Google Earth

A solar farm project featuring battery storage that’s been in the pipeline for a few years inched closer towards reality yesterday at a City of Gold Coast council meeting. [Read more…]

IKEA Adelaide’s Solar + Storage Microgrid Project Progressing

IKEA Adelaide solar panels and battery system

Artist’s impression of IKEA Adelaide solar + storage installation

The first solar panels have been lifted on to the rooftop of IKEA’s retail outlet in Adelaide as part of a major solar power + battery storage microgrid project at the site. [Read more…]

UN Secretary-General Again Calls For End To Fossil Fuel Subsidies

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged members of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action to keep pushing for a green COVID-19 recovery. [Read more…]

Vales Point Power Station Pollution Fine “Chump Change”

Vales Point Power Station

Less than a week after being tapped for a Federal Government grant, a fine has been issued for waste and pollution offences at Vales Point Power Station in New South Wales. [Read more…]

Electricity Meter Upgrade Complaints Drop In South Australia

Electricity meter changeovers in South Australia

Image: rgaudet17

South Australia’s Energy & Water Ombudsman handled fewer complaints in 2019-20; including regarding issues relating to meter upgrades for solar power system installations. [Read more…]

Trump Seeks To Expand And Boost Solar Tariff

Trump solar tariffs

U.S President Donald Trump wants to up punitive tariffs on imported solar panels and cells next year – blaming bifacial modules. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – October 2020

Australian home solar energy interest in September 2020

A greater proportion of Australians using the SolarQuotes service were interested in installing bigger PV systems last month, and getting their solar panels installed sooner. [Read more…]

Solar Company Fined For Fake Reviews

Solar company fined for fake testimonials

A solar installation company has been whacked with a fine of $6,000 for publishing fake testimonials on its website. [Read more…]

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