AAA Revs Up On Electric Vehicle Tax Support

Electric Car Tax - AAA

The Australian Automobile Association (AAA) is again calling on the Federal Government to implement a nationally consistent road user charge for electric vehicles. [Read more…]

City Of Newcastle Climate Action Plan 2025

City of Newcastle - solar power

City of Newcastle is readying to take further steps to reduce emissions across its operations and the community – including installing more solar panels and megawatt-scale battery storage. [Read more…]

Deepwater Plaza Goes Solar

Deepwater Plaza Woy Woy - solar energy

A cooler car park for customers that generates clean and cheap electricity – it’s a win-win for Deepwater Plaza and those who visit it. [Read more…]

CEC Solar Code Of Conduct Reauthorised

CEC Approved Solar Retailer

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has granted re-authorisation to the Clean Energy Council for its Solar Retailer Code of Conduct. [Read more…]

WA Commissioner For Consumer Protection: Do Your Solar Research

WA's Consumer Protection and solar power

Western Australia’s Commissioner for Consumer Protection Lanie Chopping says rooftop solar power has a bright future in the state, but prospective PV purchasers need to do their research before signing on the dotted line. [Read more…]

Australia A G20 Laggard On Climate And Renewable Energy Policy

Climate Transparency Report 2020

18 G20 countries have implemented or are implementing carbon-pricing schemes and 16 have policies to increase renewable energy generation  – Australia isn’t among either groups. [Read more…]

Northern Beaches Council Scoops Sustainable Cities Award

Keep Australia Beatiful NSW Sustainability Awards

Sydney’s Northern Beaches Council was announced the overall winner of the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW 2020 Sustainable Cities Awards last week. [Read more…]

Another Hit On The Horizon For Victorian Solar Feed-In Tariffs

Feed-in tariffs - Victoria

Proposed new minimum feed in tariff rates in Victoria will make maximising solar energy self-consumption even more attractive. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Homes Program Expansion Announced

Victoria Solar Homes program

More solar panel and battery rebates will be available in Victoria over the next few years – and small businesses will soon also be able to take advantage of the state’s PV subsidy. [Read more…]

Solar Panels, Hail Storms And STCs

Owners of  solar power systems that were damaged by recent hail storms in south-east Queensland may not be able to claim the “solar rebate” again on replaced solar panels says the Clean Energy Regulator. [Read more…]

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