Powershop Pinged For Alleged Solar Discrimination

Powershop - Kogan solar descrimination

Meridian Energy subsidiary Powershop has coughed up $300,000 in penalties for allegedly discriminating against Victorian solar households under its Kogan Energy brand. [Read more…]

Ingenuity On Mars – The Little Solar Powered Chopper That Could

Ingenuity - first Mars flight

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter successfully completed humanity’s first powered, controlled flight on another planet last night. [Read more…]

ClearVue Solar Glass Greenhouse Officially Opened

ClearVue solar glass greenhouse

A high-tech greenhouse comprised mainly of solar glass generating electricity to help run it was officially opened yesterday in Western Australia. [Read more…]

South Australia’s Billion Dollar Energy and Emissions Reduction Deal

Marshall and Morrison Government - Emissions reduction and energy deal

The South Australian and Federal Governments have inked a $1.08 billion agreement that the pair say will drive down emissions and energy costs. [Read more…]

LG Energy Solution Commits To 100% Renewable Electricity

LG Energy Solution - RE100

South Korean battery manufacturer LG Energy Solution has announced it is among the newest members of the RE100. [Read more…]

Ku-ring-gai Moving Forward On Community Net Zero Emissions

Solar power in Ku-ring-gai

Sydney’s Ku-ring-gai Council has a plan to transition to net zero emissions by 2040 for its own operations. Now it’s looking towards encouraging the entire community to do the same. [Read more…]

South Australian Flexible Solar Exports Update

Flexible solar exports - South Australia

To help accommodate more home solar power in South Australia, SA Power Networks (SAPN) will soon be offering some new solar owners in Adelaide a choice between flexible and fixed exports. [Read more…]

No, This Device Will Not Provide Big Electricity Bill Savings

Power saver scams

Online ads continue to pop up on Australian screens spruiking various magic products promising to slash electricity bills by “up to 90%”. All the devices and products of this nature I’ve seen are power saver scams. [Read more…]

Solar Installer Shuns String Inverters, Switches To Microinverters

Enphase microinverter - Penrith Solar

Penrith Solar Centre managing director Jake Warner with an Enphase microinverter

Citing safety, simplicity, support and performance reasons, NSW’s Penrith Solar has bid farewell to string inverters and is now only installing solar power systems with microinverters. [Read more…]

Movement At The Station – Morwell Solar Farm

Morwell Solar Farm

The public notification period for a solar farm incorporating battery storage on the outskirts of the Victorian coal town of Morwell recently kicked off. [Read more…]

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