Ley Issues Deadline For Dealing With Solar Panel Waste

Solar panel waste deadline

Federal Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley has again cranked up pressure on the solar industry to properly address solar panel waste created in Australia. [Read more…]

Australian Energy Consumer Sentiment Survey Results

Energy Consumer Sentiment Survey - Australia

A new survey report indicates Australian electricity consumers are generally feeling they are getting better value for money than they were, but many are concerned about the future of energy in Australia. [Read more…]

SA Electric Vehicle Tax Bill Looms

South Australia electric car tax

Victoria and New South Wales have played their cards on “road user charges” for electric vehicles – and South Australia will soon do the same. [Read more…]

City Of Subiaco Certified Carbon Neutral

City of Subiaco carbon neutrality

Western Australia’s City of Subiaco (Council) has been certified carbon neutral under the Commonwealth’s Climate Active program. [Read more…]

Barnaby’s Back And There’s Gonna Be Trouble

Barnaby Joyce and coal

Barnaby Joyce | Image – ABC News: Nick Haggarty, file photo

He’s been gone for such a long time, now he’s back and things will be fine? Hey-la-day-la, Barnaby’s back! [Read more…]

Solar Panels Installed At Port Macquarie Airport

Port Macquarie Airport solar panels

NSW’s Port Macquarie-Hastings Council is another small step toward its renewable energy goals after the installation of a solar array at Port Macquarie Airport. [Read more…]

Clarence Valley Council Considering Solar Farm Near Grafton

Proposed solar farm for Grafton

A preliminary investigation has been undertaken for New South Wales’ Clarence Valley Council for a solar farm at the Grafton Regional Landfill & Resource Recovery Facility. [Read more…]

Another Victorian Solar Panel Rebate Reduction Looms

Victoria solar panel rebate

If you’re in Victoria and considering going solar (or know someone who is),  you/they may want get cracking to maximise the amount of subsidy on a system. [Read more…]

Kurri Kurri Gas Power Plant Proposal Cops It In Submissions

Kurri Kurri Gas Plant - Hunter Power Project

It appears many Australians are unhappy about the Federal Government’s proposed Kurri Kurri gas-fired power plant, aka the Hunter Power Project. [Read more…]

Sussan Ley Puts Australia’s Solar Panel Industry “On Notice”

Solar panel recycling - Sussan Ley

In an address to the National Press Club yesterday, Federal Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley issued a warning to the solar panel industry regarding solar panel recycling. [Read more…]

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