Green Power Vs. Rooftop Solar: Solar Easily Wins But Having Both Is Greenest

GreenPower vs. solar power - which is greenest?

A while back a reader asked me for a post on rooftop solar vs. Green Power.  Or, if you spell as badly as a government national program — GreenPower.  So here it is: [Read more…]

40% Of Victoria’s Coal Power Out Of Action During Heatwave While Solar Soldiers On

Solar energy more reliable than coal power

Solar Power Proves Far More Reliable Than Coal Power During Record Breaking Heatwave

As I’m sure you’re aware, South Australia and the eastern states were hit by a short but intense heatwave last week.  In Adelaide temperatures hit 46.6 degrees on Thursday.  A sweaty record.  It was almost unbearable.  Or at least I think it was unbearable.  I’m not sure because I passed out at about 10 in the morning and didn’t regain consciousness until after nightfall.  [Read more…]

Why Spending $100m On Coal To Hydrogen Project Is Stupid

coal to hydrogen madness

Dumb and Dumber: Federal and Victorian governments spending $50 million each on Japanese coal to hydrogen project.

The Federal and Victorian Governments are spending $100 million building a Japanese coal to hydrogen demonstration plant.  That’s $50 million each.  Before any of you get upset at the cost, I’ll mention I originally thought it was $500 million, so we’re already $400 million better off than I thought we were a few hours ago.  At this rate I’m sure coal to hydrogen will be making money for the average Australian in no time.  And in other news, monkeys may fly out of my butt. [Read more…]

What Everybody Ought to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment

I think fossil fuels are great. [Read more…]

SVTC Solar Scorecard: A Great Idea Badly Executed

svtc logo and pollution

The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition should be a really useful tool for solar buyers. Unfortunately it isn’t.

The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, or SVTC to its friends, is an organisation that has been working hard for over 32 years to protect this life encrusted blob of nickel and iron spinning in space that we call Earth.

SVTC campaigns to promote both safe environmental practices and ethical behavior in high tech industries.  Each year since 2009 they have released a report called the SVTC Solar Scorecard that ranks solar panel manufacturers on both their environmental sustainability and ethical behavior. [Read more…]

Paris climate talks: out of weasel words comes light at the end of the tunnel

paris climate talksWhat do you think about the hoopla surrounding the signing of the Paris Climate Talks agreement readers? Happy? Deflated? A sense of the same old, same old? Or a new beginning for the planet? [Read more…]

70% of Carbon Emissions Drop Is Thanks to Renewable Energy and Efficiency

Analysts from Greenpeace have published findings showing that the lion’s share of carbon emission reductions since 2007 comes from the rise in renewable energy usage and energy efficiency. While critics claim that the drop in emissions comes from using more natural gas, the numbers tell a different story. For a full article on this, click here: Renewables & Energy Efficiency Responsible for 70% of Carbon Emission Drop Since 2007

RIP Ukki 1921-2012 (The most sustainable bloke I knew)

Ukki and Me in Finland

My Grandad (Ukki) and me in May 2011

This blog post is a tribute to my Finnish Grandad: Alvi Juppi (AKA Ukki) who died last month just short of his 91st birthday in Jormua, somewhere close to the Arctic Circle in Northern Finland.

What on earth has it got to do with Solar Power?

Glad you asked! [Read more…]

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