Gas Companies Want To Charge You To Quit Gas: How To Avoid $1000 Fees

A person switching off gasSwitching from gas to an all-electric home can save hundreds of dollars a year, but if you’re not careful you risk copping some hefty fees. There’s one big decision to make that determines how much you will be out of pocket: should you abolish your gas connection or just disconnect it?

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Surviving 43°C: A Quick Fix for Struggling Air Conditioners

heatwave air conditioning
I know it sounds like clickbait, but honestly, there is one simple trick that will help your refrigerative air conditioner cope with very hot days.

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Do You Need An Efficient Home If You Own A Massive Solar System?

The average size of a residential solar PV system installed in Australia has grown significantly over the years, which raises an interesting question: Should owners of larger systems even worry about energy efficiency in their homes? [Read more…]

Solar Safety Servicing: The Art Of Maintenance

Solar array maintenance rules

Excerpt from AS5033, the solar array standard.

As part of an ongoing series, I’d like to touch on some important points for maintaining solar. [Read more…]

7 Tips For A You-Beaut, Energy-Efficient Aussie Christmas Feast

7 tips for a you-beaut, energy-efficient Christmas

We all know Christmas Down Under can be a ripper of a time, but between the cooking chaos and the relatives causing mayhem, thinking about energy efficiency might be the last thing on your mind. Fair enough, I get it. [Read more…]

Why Builders Get Solar Wrong And How You Can Get It Right

Getting solar power right when building a house.

Stink pipes, clear sheets, aerials, low pitch, small planes, a new roof, redeploy old solar panels …and add more capacity. This one had all the complexities.

In this series, I’m pitching a case for better buildings that can make housing more comfortable and more affordable to live in. [Read more…]

Talking Solar To Builders – We Need Better Thinking From the Roof Down

Solar panels and Australian roof designs

As a qualified solar electrician, roof plumber, licensed contractor and supervisor, I have seen the ugly truth behind Australian roofs first-hand. [Read more…]

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