New Energy Rating Labels For Air Conditioners Are Brilliant

Zoned Energy Rating Label - Australia

New aircon energy rating labels! Are you excited? You should be…

The most energy-efficient and cost-effective way to heat your home is to use your reverse-cycle air conditioner.  Even the least efficient aircon uses far less energy than electric resistance heating.  But buying the least efficient air conditioner is a bad idea.  You’ll be better off with a highly efficient one — or at least the most efficient one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. [Read more…]

Texans Get Screwed Over By Electricity Retailers In Heatwave

Texas heatwave and electricity retailers

Texas provides a great example of how not to treat electricity consumers during a heatwave.

Last week Texas suffered through a stinking hot heatwave.

And just like the polar vortex five months ago, we saw an excellent example of villainous electricity retailer behaviour we must never allow in Australia. [Read more…]

Regional Queensland Has Electricity Retailer Choice. But Which Is Cheapest?

Comparing electricity retailers in regional Queensland

Do you live in regional Queensland?  Do you think your only choice of electricity retailer is Ergon Energy? Then I have exciting news for you.  You can choose who bills you for electricity. [Read more…]

AER Ruling: Victorian DNSPs Must Offer Flat Tariff To All. Except EV Owners.

AER's final decision on flat rate electricity tariffs

Finally, it’s official – DNSPs must offer a standard tariff to Victorian solar owners.

I have just read the Australian Energy Regulator’s FINAL DECISION Statement on Victorian Energy Distribution for 2021-2026.  According to the document, Victorian electricity distributors will be required to: [Read more…]

Thousands Of Texans Charged $11+ Per Kilowatt-Hour During Blizzard

Texas snowstorm electricity prices

Thousands of Texans caught in a deadly, polar vortex blizzard have been charged thousands of dollars for electricity over just a few days. They were exposed to wholesale electricity prices that hit their maximum price of over $11 Australian per kilowatt-hour. [Read more…]

Why Your Solar Feed-In Tariff Is Lower Than Your Electricity Usage Tariff

Why solar feed-in tariffs are lower than retail electricity prices

To understand why solar feed-in tariffs are comparatively low, you need to understand how your electricity bill sausage is made. Image credit

In this article, I am going to take a typical electricity bill and break it down into its components. 

I told Finn I was doing this for two sensible reasons:

  1. To let people know where their electricity dollar goes.
  2. To show where solar feed-in tariffs come from and why they are significantly less than electricity’s retail price.

But the main reason is I hate electricity bills and enjoy breaking them into pieces. [Read more…]

Click Energy: Best Feed-in Tariffs But Not Always Best Deal 

Click Energy solar feed in tariff review

Click Energy provides high feed-in tariffs — If your inverter is 5kW or less.

If you:

  • want a high solar feed-in tariff.
  • have a solar inverter 5 kilowatts or less.
  • have low grid electricity consumption 

…then Click Energy may be the best choice of electricity retailer to minimize your electricity bills (or maximize credit received). [Read more…]

I’ve Seen The Future And It’s Tesla’s New UK VPP

Tesla UK virtual power plant - VPP

Late last month Tesla, in partnership with electricity retailer Octopus Energy, announced a new Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in the UK. Interestingly, Tesla’s UK VPP is a much simpler proposition than Tesla’s Australian VPP. [Read more…]

Feed-In Tariff For New Solar Slashed In Western Australia — Only 3 Cents Before 3 PM!

Western Australia solar feed in tariff

Update July 30th 2022: The 3 cent DEBs feed-in tariff was reduced to 2.5 cents on July 1st 2022.  The 10 cent rate from 3 pm to 9 pm remains the same.

From yesterday (31 August 2020), new residential solar power systems installed in Western Australia will no longer receive the REBS or ‘Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme’ solar feed-in tariff of 7.135 cents per kilowatt-hour.  Instead, it will receive the DEBS or ‘Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme’ that will instead pay: [Read more…]

Cuts To Electricity Prices And Feed-in Tariffs From July Will Extend Solar Payback

Electricity price and solar feed in tariff reductions

COVID-19 has contributed to wholesale electricity prices cuts, which should be reflected in your power bills from July.

The coronavirus has killed more than 340,000 people worldwide and taken a big bite out of economic activity.  Fortunately, Australia’s death toll has been low thanks to the effective response from medical professionals.

While we’ve gotten off lightly with regard to lives lost, there has been a sizable economic downturn.  This has caused wholesale electricity prices to drop, which you should see reflected your bills from July.  Unless you’re in Western Australia. [Read more…]

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