Electricity Tariff Comparison: A Simple Tool For A Complex World

Compare electricity plans - new online tool

Choosing the most suitable electricity tariff after installing solar panels or batteries can make a huge difference to your future power bills.

Unfortunately, electricity tariffs are getting more complex. [Read more…]

Synergy’s Midday Saver Tariff: Home Batteries Can Pay in WA

Synergy midday saver tariff and home batteries

If you live in Perth, or within a four-hour drive, I have some good news.  Synergy has changed its residential time-of-use tariff to 8 cents per kilowatt-hour for grid electricity from 9am to 3pm.  They’ve also changed its name to “Midday Saver”. [Read more…]

Wholesale Electricity Price Crises Continue — More Hefty Hikes Likely

Electricity price rises in Australia

Australia’s wholesale electricity price crisis is in its fifth month.  This ongoing disaster began in April and really took off in May, June, and July.  It continued through August, but the crisis wasn’t as crisisy as the previous three months. [Read more…]

Three Days Of Non-Insane Prices Spark Hope Wholesale Electricity Crisis Is Easing

For four months now, electricity prices in the eastern states have been crazy high. But they’ve cooled down in the last three days to the point where they’re now just high. [Read more…]

July Electricity Price Hikes: Up Everywhere But VIC & ACT — Solar Feed-in Tariffs From +41% To -23%

Australian electricity price and solar feed in tariff summary

Most Australians were hit with an electricity price increase in July. The exceptions were the ACT, which had a slight decrease, and Victoria whose electricity prices change now in August.  [Read more…]

An Idiot’s Guide To Australia’s Electricity Price Problem

Electricity price increases in Australia

How most Aussies reacted when they found out their new electricity rates.

Unless you live under a rock, you’d have heard about the blowout in wholesale electricity prices in the eastern states. Things were so bad that on the 14th of June, AEMO suspended the wholesale electricity market for the first time in its history. [Read more…]

Feed-in Tariffs & Electricity Prices Likely To Rise In 2022. Here’s Why.

Australian electricity prices and feed-in tariffs

Wholesale electricity prices increased across most of Australia this financial year. Retail electricity prices should soon follow. [Read more…]

Solar Analytics Plan Optimiser Unravels Complex Electricity Tariffs

Solar Analytics Plan Optimiser

Nigel Morris, who heads up business development at Solar Analytics, readily admits electricity plan comparison products aren’t usually particularly exciting.

Still, it’s clear talking to Morris that Solar Analytics is excited about its recently-launched Plan Optimiser, and Morris reckons both subscribers and solar installers will be as well. [Read more…]

States With The Most Renewables Have The Cheapest Wholesale Electricity

Renewable energy in Australia and wholesale electricity prices

Wholesale electricity spot prices in the two Australian states with the most renewable energy generation — South Australia and Tasmania — are the lowest in the nation and have been for years.  This is good news for anyone who prefers clean energy over dirty. That is everyone who isn’t evil, an idiot, or both. [Read more…]

Don’t Panic: SA Homes Can Remain On Flat Tariff When Getting Solar

South Australia solar power - electricity tariffs

SA homes are not required to have a time-of-use retail electricity tariff when getting solar

Last week I heard from a South Australian concerned they’d be forced onto a time-of-use tariff after installing solar panels. 

Since this was at the start of the new financial year, my initial response was, “Oh god!  What are the electricity retailers doing now?”

[Read more…]

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