Norway Has So Many EVs Their Battery Capacity Averages 13 kWh Per Household

ev charging station in Norway

Norway has more electric cars per capita than any other nation.  They have over half a million EVs, one for every 11 people.  The combined capacity of all those rolling batteries is a whopping 34 gigawatt-hours.  [Read more…]

Elon Musk Holds “Cyber Rodeo” As Tesla Announce 127,785 Car Recall

Elon Musk - Tesla Cyber Rodeo

On Friday our time, Elon Musk rounded up his fans and workers in Texas and held a huge hoedown he called a Cyber Rodeo.  The get-together was to celebrate the opening of the Austin Tesla Gigafactory — the largest factory by volume in the world. [Read more…]

10% of New Cars Sold Today Are Electric. In Australia It’s 2%

Electric car sales in Australia

There are so few EVs on Australian roads, I had to badly Photoshop one onto this picture.

As I write this, approximately 1 in 10 new cars sold worldwide are electric.  But not in Australia. [Read more…]

EV Ranges In The Real World — How Far Will You Really Go?

Real-world electric vehicle range

Electric car manufacturers know exactly how much range drivers get on average from a full charge.  Despite this, they continue to give inflated figures based on unrealistic tests rather than a realistic real-world range. [Read more…]

Why Don’t All Electric Cars Have Solar Roofs?

Solar panels on electric cars

Image: Edison Future

It makes sense to install solar panels on homes, but does it make sense to put solar on cars? [Read more…]

Top 10 Electric Car Myths Busted

Some people have strange ideas about electric cars. 

I know because they’ve been kind enough to share them.  I’ve collected so many I’ve made a Top 10 list.   

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Electric Cars Vs Petrol Cars: How Much Can You Save?

The next new car you buy should be electric. 

I’m serious about this.  I’m willing to include fuel-efficient hybrids in my advice for now, but anyone who’s not in the habit of chucking laps around the Strzelecki Desert should consider an all-electric car next time they’re looking to buy a new vehicle or a pricey second hand one. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Electric Car Tax Robs Peter To Pay Peter

Victoria's electric vehicle tax and EV rebate

An EV tax that pays for an EV rebate? You couldn’t make this shit up.

Victoria is set to become the only place in the world to de-incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles with an electric car tax for every kilometre driven. 

Victoria will also introduce a $3,000 incentive to encourage buying electric cars.

After coming up with this brilliant move, I don’t see why the Victorian Government should stop there. [Read more…]

Evee: A Website For Renting Other People’s Teslas In Australia

Renting a Tesla electric vehicle with Evee

Evee is a website that rents out Teslas but does not own any Tesla electric cars…

Recently I rented a Tesla Model 3 through an online service called Evee.  I had a really great time just driving around, sightseeing, and engaging in criminal activity. [Read more…]

Tesla Model 3 Review: Great Car, Ridiculous Claimed Range

Tesla Model 3 review

My boss, Finn, gave me a nice little Christmas present this year.  A Tesla Model 3 electric car…

[Read more…]

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