Here’s Why EV Batteries Are Cheaper & More Reliable Than Home Batteries

EV vs home batteries

EV Battery Packs Have It Easy Compared To Home Batteries 

It has been two weeks since I laid down the heavy news that out of the 26 home batteries given a whirl by the Canberra Battery Test Centre, only two worked as they should without suffering a fault or excessive capacity deterioration.  This sad news has caused some people to wonder if electric car battery packs will have similar poor performance. [Read more…]

Origin Loop Virtual Power Plant: $2,000 Bait On A 5-Year Hook

Origin Loop VPP review

Origin Energy’s ‘Origin Loop’ Virtual Power Plant (Loop VPP) pays you to let Origin discharge your battery into the grid, but you must have an Origin retail electricity plan to use it. 

Even though there’s a big dollar incentive up front, I don’t think it’s a good deal overall. In this post, I’ll tell you why I’m not excited about the deal, and hopefully, that will help you decide for yourself whether to sign up. [Read more…]

Canberra Battery Test Centre Final Report: Only 2 Of 26 Batteries Fault-Free

Canberra Battery Test Centre Final Report

For eight years, the Canberra Battery Test Centre lived up to its name and tested batteries. From 2016, they put 26 home batteries through their paces. If I had to sum up the results in a single word, it would be: [Read more…]

Canberra Battery Test Centre Phase 3 Results: Zero Batteries Problem Free

Canberra Battery Test Centre final report

The Canberra Battery Test Centre’s third phase of testing is complete.  In fact, all their testing is now finished.  They have shut up shop and published their final report. [Read more…]

AlphaESS Battery: A Warranty Struggle of Odyssean Proportions

Your shiny new solar power system has been installed. You can’t get the smile off your face as you show friends and family and smugly tell them about all the environmental benefits and the huge savings you’ll be making by providing your own electricity for years to come. [Read more…]

EnergyAustralia Solar Home Bundle: Free Solar & Battery Comes At High Cost

Energy Australia Solar Home Bundle Review

Energy Australia — the country’s third largest electricity retailer — is offering to install a solar and battery system for no money upfront, provided… [Read more…]

The SolarEdge Home Battery — An Okay Battery For An Okay World

SolarEdge Home Battery review

The SolarEdge Home Battery: 9.7 kWh, DC Coupled, Optional Backup

At 4 o’clock last Thursday, SolarEdge launched their home battery with an online event. 

The next day, they held another launch for people who couldn’t make it to the first one.  I attended both and paid 55% attention each time, so I want you to know I gave this article 110%. [Read more…]

The Best Home Batteries In 2022 – According To The Pros


If you’re looking to buy a solar battery in 2022, you’ll find at least 32 brands available in Australia. But which is best? [Read more…]

sonnenBatterie Evo. Finally! A Decent Battery From sonnen.

sonnenBatterie EVO battery review

The sonnenBatterie Evo. You could install it in the middle of a field – but think of the voltage-rise!

Just the other day, Finn was having a whinge about sonnen batteries.  He mentioned a few problems the current sonnenBatterie Eco has: [Read more…]

75% of Home Batteries Faulty In Long Term Battery Testing

Canberra Battery Test Centre just released Report #11 describing its third round of battery testing and the results.

I’ll give details below but, if you want a quick overview, I can tell you the new batteries didn’t do well.  Only 2 of the 8 battery brands tested worked as they were supposed to.   The rest had problems that ranged from temporary breakdowns to complete failure. [Read more…]

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