Punters Surprised: Prices Publicised Show Batteries Subsidised Cost More Than Surmised

sonnen battery prices

Prices Sonnen Has Published Show Their SA Subsidised Batteries Of Any Size Ain’t Cheap!

In what could have been good news, Sonnen’s Australian website now gives prices for home battery systems bought directly from them after the South Australian battery subsidy is applied.  [Read more…]

How Virtual Power Plants Can Improve Battery Payback

Virtual Power Plants and solar battery systems

Virtual Power Plants: What Are They And Can They Make Batteries Pay?

I’m really excited to have this opportunity to tell you about Virtual Power Plants.  I’m virtually beside myself with excitement.  That’s not just a horrible joke.  I’ve actually written little bits of this post in a variety of houses and used t’internet to store each file in the cloud.  Once I’m done pasting them all together I’m sure you won’t be able to tell the difference between this and an article that was centrally generated. [Read more…]

Everything You Need To Know About The SA Battery Scheme Now It’s Up & Running

SA Home Battery Scheme subsidy update

The South Australian Battery Subsidy / Rebate / Scheme Is Now Under Way – Here’s What You Need To Know

When I first wrote about South Australia’s battery subsidy not all the details were available to me.  But now the Home Battery Scheme website is up and running I still don’t have all the details.  However — and this is the important point — I have more details than I had before.  [Read more…]

SonnenFlat Review: Is It A Good Deal?

sonnenFlat review

SonnenFlat — good if you already have a Sonnen battery but maybe not good enough to buy a Sonnen battery.

Update Feb 2, 2025: Sonnen Flat ended June 2024 and so is no longer available.

I think the German home energy storage company, Sonnen, must be having an exciting time in Australia at the moment: [Read more…]

Tesla Raises Powerwall 2 Price – Just In Time For Australian Battery Subsidies

Tesla Powerwall 2 price rise

Wanna buy a Powerwall 2? Then it may cost you a couple of grand more than it did last week.

Only 8 months after increasing the price of the Powerwall 2 in February, Tesla is about to bump it up again.  This time by a much heftier amount.  [Read more…]

Sonnen Battery Updated For Australia: New Prices, Features & Specs Revealed

Sonnen battery update - sonnenBatterie Eco 9.43 review

Sonnen updates their battery systems: outdoor enclosure, backup option and lower pricing now available.

Sonnen claim to be the first company to successfully market on-grid home battery systems.  Founded in Germany in 2010, they have sold systems to Australians for two years now.  Their 9th generation of home batteries — known as the sonnenBatterie Eco 9.43 — have been on sale in Oz since the 16th of August.  [Read more…]

How To Save Money With The South Australian Home Battery Scheme

South Australian Home Battery scheme

Wahey! In SA it is possible to save money with batteries – thanks to the battery rebate.

For a long time now Australia has been drawing closer to the day when home batteries will pay for themselves.  With the announcement of  South Australia’s battery subsidy scheme we know that day will soon come — unless the scheme’s lack of competition prevents battery prices from falling enough. [Read more…]

SA Battery Rebate: Examining The Scant Details Released So Far

sa battery rebate details

Battery Subsidy Scheme Outline Released By South Australian Government Is Short On Details

As part of their election campaign the the South Australian Liberal Party promised to provide a $100 million home battery subsidy.  Five months after victory they have released information outlining the subsidy scheme that will: [Read more…]

New Battery Safety Guide: What’s The Crack?

battery safety guide

“Best Practice Guide: Battery Storage Equipment — Electrical Safety Requirements.” What’s In It And Who’s It For?

In July 2018 the “Best Practice Guide: Battery Storage Equipment — Electrical Safety Requirements” was published.  This was a momentous event in the history of battery safety guides and I can remember exactly where I was when I heard the news.  I was in Australia1.  Before this day there was no specific product safety guide covering lithium home batteries.  But now, in our time of need, it is here. [Read more…]

Worrisome Results From Canberra’s Battery Test Centre

Lithium-ion Battery Test Centre

Canberra’s Battery Test Centre has been going a couple of years now. What do the results so far tell us about the state of the home battery market?

I am very happy.  I just found out there is a battery testing centre in Canberra.  Who would have thought there would be something useful in Canberra?  Besides, of course, for the Federal Government and the bureaucracy that’s necessary for the functioning of a modern representative democracy.1 [Read more…]

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