Buying A Battery Without Solar Is No Longer A Crazy Idea

Is a home battery without solar panels worth buying?

SA’s New Solar Sponge Tariffs Can Make Home Batteries Without Solar Panels Pay

South Australia has a lot of solar.  Relative to total generation it’s well ahead of any other state. 

All this solar power reduces daytime wholesale electricity prices.  This is a good thing.  Not only is solar energy clean, it cuts costs for homes and businesses. [Read more…]

Gelion: Readying For Battery Manufacturing After COVID Delays

Gelion battery - zinc bromine gel energy storage

Like just about everybody, Australian battery innovator Gelion has had its business plans disrupted. But the company hopes it can have its first pilot trial production line ready early in 2022, and also anticipates commercial availability next year. [Read more…]

5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Grid Connection

Staying connected to the grid with a home battery

Yes, You Can Go Off-Grid With A $10,000 Battery — But I Don’t Recommend It

If you’re sick and tired of paying a supply charge to connect your solar home to the grid, then I have good news.  You can now go off-grid with a battery system for around $10,000. 

The bad news is, I don’t recommend it at all. [Read more…]

The Huawei Luna2000 Battery Review: Tantalisingly Close To Paying For Itself

Huawei Luna2000 Battery Review

Introducing The Huawei Luna2000 Battery — A Home Battery That May Pay In WA

Huawei is the world’s largest inverter manufacturer and has been selling residential solar inverters in Australia for years.  They’re now offering home energy storage with the launch of their Luna 2000 battery in May. [Read more…]

How Time Of Use Tariffs Can Boost Your Solar Battery Savings

Solar batteries and time-of-use electricity tariffs

I’ve been given a mission.  It’s to determine how much money a home can save using a battery with a time-of-use tariff in every Australian capital.  

This isn’t easy to do. [Read more…]

What Is 5-Minute Settlement And How Does It Help Batteries?

National Electricity Market - 5 minute settlement

On October 1st, Australia’s National Electricity Market is changing from 30-minute to 5-minute settlement.

In this article, I’ll explain exactly what Australian households need to do to prepare for this event. [Read more…]

Can A Home Battery On A Time-Of-Use Tariff Pay For Itself Yet?

Home Battery - Time-Of-Use Electricity Tariff

If you have a home battery, a time-of-use tariff can save you money. 

How much depends on…

  • Battery Capability:  This includes usable storage capacity, power output, and flexibility.
  • Location:  Time-of-use tariffs vary greatly from state to state.  To a lesser degree, they can vary within states.
  • Electricity consumption habits and solar electricity production
  • Whether or not you are part of a VPP (Virtual Power Plant) that allows a time-of-use tariff.

[Read more…]

3 Things I Wish I’d Thought About Before Joining A VPP

SolarQuotes Founder Finn Peacock offers some important advice for Australians considering signing up for a VPP (Virtual Power Plant) program. [Read more…]

Will A Demand Tariff Improve Home Battery Payback?

payback calculation

Last week I was contacted by a Queenslander named Terry.  He was chuffed about the electricity bill savings he was getting by using a demand tariff with his home battery.  [Read more…]

Best Home Batteries In 2021? The Brands Top Solar Installers Trust

Best solar batteries in 2021 as voted by Australian installers

If one renewable energy technology for your home deserves particularly careful due diligence, it’s the home battery system. A solar battery is an incredibly dense box of energy. If something goes wrong, the consequences could be dire. [Read more…]

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