Catch Power Acquires Solar Analytics

solar analytics app and catch control device

In a surprising twist within the solar industry, Australian energy management hardware maker Catch Power has announced its acquisition of the Australian solar monitoring platform Solar Analytics. This move marks a significant shift in the landscape, given that I had anticipated the opposite—Solar Analytics acquiring Catch! Shows what I know.

The details of the acquisition have not been disclosed, but the transaction is described by both parties as a “mutually agreeable amount.” Funded internally by Catch Power, this move gives a clue as to how profitable they must be. Great work!

The merger’s immediate benefit will be the integration of Solar Analytics’ software into Catch Power’s hardware solutions. Catch Control users can look forward to accessing the analytical prowess of Solar Analytics directly on their devices at no extra cost.

What The Hell Is Catch Power?

Catch Power makes hardware that integrates and controls your solar, battery, hot water systems and other large loads.

For example, their ‘Green Catch‘ hot water controller harvests surplus solar to power conventional hot water systems and their ‘Catch Control‘ (previously called Catch Solar Relay) can control appliances using sophisticated rules around how much solar is available, your battery state of charge or what electricity prices are doing.

An example of Catch Control’s communications features: in Queensland Catch Control units are used to interface to rooftop solar inverters so that they can be managed as part of QLD’s Emergency Backstop Mechanism to reduce exports when the grid is overloaded.

Looking forward, Catch Power is expanding its reach into controlling EV chargers, providing one standard control and monitoring interface for almost any OCPP-compatible EV charger.

Catch is also teasing future integration with Amber Electric and their wildly fluctuating half-hour electricity prices.

What The Hell Is Solar Analytics?

Solar Analytics make arguably the most fully featured solar monitoring in Australia. Their monitoring detects faults or underperformance in your solar panels and alerts you before you lose too much money or something goes bang!

Recently they’ve also got into the tariff optimisation game, alerting you if you are paying too much on your electricity tariff and which retailer you should switch to to save money. This is becoming increasingly useful as tariffs get more complex.

A Match Made In Australia

This acquisition combines two Australian-made success stories, with Catch manufacturing their hardware in Glen Innes, NSW and Solar Analytics coding their magic in Redfern; the goal is to create an integrated platform that simplifies how Australians manage and integrate their solar energy systems into their electrified home and transport.

As we grab the popcorn to observe how this acquisition unfolds, it’s clear that the future of energy management will increasingly rely on integrated solutions that make solar power more accessible and easier to manage for everyone from individual homeowners to large enterprises.

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Wow, as a lifetime subscriber with SolarAnalytics, what improvements can we expect now?

    • Hi Gavin,

      Thank you for your comments, At CATCH Power, we’re offering a special promotion for affected Solar Analytics customers. You can trade in your old device for a CATCH Control at a discounted rate.

      CATCH Control comes with free access to the Solar Analytics platform and connects directly to your home’s Wi-Fi—meaning there are no ongoing subscription fees!

      Some of the key benefits of this is the added benefit of load control, Inverter and Battery Controls and the ability to access wholesale pricing through Amber Electrical.

      If your interested in trading in your old Solar Analytics device please fill out the form below.

      Kind regards,


      • Hi Erin
        Why have I been locked out of my Solar Analytics app. I’ve got 4G Hardware, not 3G . I note your above reply stating 4G customers with lifetime subscriptions would be honoured. I’m 3.5 years into a lifetime subscription . Emailed S.A. Emailed Catch. Phoned Catch…. very call centre like response. Told to phone Solar Analytics, who are not taking calls. So, all in all , no information, no customer service, a Terms and Conditions Ultimatum block on an app I’ve paid for. Feeling Ghosted. Looked at Solar Anaytics Product review. Not good. Mmmm

        • Hi Kerry,

          Please note, that although CATCH Power have acquired Solar Analytics they are still two very different operations and our support staff only know so much about the other company. We are currently training four additional staff members at CATCH Power in tech support, so I apologies that your experience wasn’t pleasant.

          If you could please send me a direct email with your site address, and a description of your issue I will personally chase it up with the Solar Analytics team for you and ensure we get you sorted.

          [email protected]

  2. Satish Hrit says

    Certainly an interesting development, I was thinking it would be the other way around.
    I still think Solar Analytics business model has been a bit loose.
    I am happy that an hardware company has deep pockets

  3. Paul McArdle says

    Interesting … and also topical this week with (also) news that the international Electricity Maps has secured 5M euro funding to help them expand.

  4. After reading your comments about Solar Analytics, I looked up their website and they of course looked very interesting. I signed up for the one month free trial, but there immediately appeared to be an issue with the software acknowledging my power plan, even though it accepted the details and was apparently recording usage ok. I queried this through their customer support, but I am still waiting for an answer. Now of course, they want me to sign up – which I would probably do if I can be sure there isn’t going to be an ongoing problem vis-a-vis my power plan.
    I find it a little frustrating that they appear to have a good product, but they fall down on the customer (sales) communication side, which may see me seek an alternate solution.

    • Anthony Bennett says

      Hi Tom,

      I know Catchpower/Solar Analytics are hiring people at the moment as they’re looking to improve customer support times.

      Sorry I can’t answer what your glitch might be but I do know they’re pretty good from first hand experience.

    • Hi Tom,

      I’m sorry to hear of this, if you could please send me an email with the details of your issue at [email protected] I will personally chase up with the Solar Analytics department and see if we can help you come to a suitable solution.

      We are working hard to improve all areas of tech support within both companies, unfortunately it takes some time to get our new team members trained up.

      Kind regards,


  5. Fair comment Anthony. I think I was airing my frustration with them, as well as sharing my experience. Here’s hoping their comms improve.

  6. darren wilson says

    Solar Analytics is not a good service delivery option. We have been trying to resolve reoccurring issues with their devices with long turn around time on queries followed by poor customer service. We have installed these units across our depots in Qld and are looking for other options for our data reporting requirements, even though we have purchased lifetime and now 5 yearly subscriptions. Can you advise another service provider across Fronius and SMA inverters? Or a central contact in Solar Analytics that we can call and discuss our issues in person?

    • Anthony Bennett says

      Hi Darren,

      Catchpower have now taken over Solar Analytics and they’re hiring more people to deliver better service I know.

      I’ll forward your message to one of the industry legends that works there and I’m sure they’ll sort you out.

      Be aware that the dedicated Solar Analytics devices which rely on 4g phone signals for connectivity are sometimes being d!cked around by the telcos as they deactivate 3g and shift bandwidth. Previously rock solid sites can become difficult through no fault of the hardware you own.

      On my Solar Analytics device there was a vast improvement made by adding an external aerial.


  7. Darren Wilsonn says

    Hi Anthony, we have added external aerials and still have reoccurring fault reporting that the device is not working. I look forward to any phone conversation this feedback may trigger, unsure how to provide my contact details though?

    • Anthony Bennett says

      Hi Darren,

      You’ll have already got an email from Catchpower this morning but I thought I’d repeat the content here for others playing at home. I trust you’re in good hands now.

      “Hi Darren

      I have been advised that you are frustrated with connectivity issues and wanted to first and foremost reach out to apologise.

      I took a look through our support cases and can’t see a ticket in our system – have you lodged one or spoken to our support team?

      I also took a look through all 18 sites today to try and understand what’s going on and a variety of different issues occurring which are summarised below.

      5 sites have 3G devices that require upgrading to 4G following network shutdown
      5 sites have poor signal strength and require a hi gain antenna
      7 sites have reasonable signal but have gone off line. Typically this is due to network changes or varying signal strength. A reboot will often resolve but please let me escalate to support for further investigation.

      More than 50% of your sites are exhibiting some real challenges exasperated by the progressive winding down of the 3G network by Telstra, Vodafone and Optus and in some cases the regional location of sites. Unfortunately, as you can see from the sample below, the 4G signal strength is very marginal at the 1.1 Cairns site (the 3G wasn’t much better). On 4G an absolute minimum of -110 is required for reliable connection and these (single monthly samples) highlight the poor signal strength, which may get better or worse depending on weather on a given day.

      Unfortunately, network signal strength is not in our control, as I’m sure you would understand and we are seeing increasing requirements for hi gain antennas as standard.

      I sincerely apologise and thank you for your past custom which we really appreciate. I’ll raise a support ticket and ask ops to follow up with you.”

  8. Peter Fuller says

    I have a ‘lifetime’ subscription to Solar Anylitics purchased a few years ago when we had our second solar system installed. Since the acquisition of Solar Anylitics by Catch Power we’ve had several issues with Solar Anylitics, features just disappear or stop working to the point were its fairly useless now. Been trying every which way to contact Solar Anylitics support for a few months now and all i get is silence, just crickets, no response, nothing. So my next attempt at resurrecting ‘lifetime’ subscription will involve Fair Trading, ASIC and maybe media, I’m not hopeful of any success. Can not recommend Solar Anylitics or Catch Power

    • Hi Peter,

      Thank you for your comments regarding your lifetime subscription with Solar Analytics. Unfortunately, due to the 3G shutdown, this subscription is no longer supported.

      However, at CATCH Power, we’re offering a special promotion for affected Solar Analytics customers. You can trade in your old device for a CATCH Control at a discounted rate.

      CATCH Control comes with free access to the Solar Analytics platform and connects directly to your home’s Wi-Fi—meaning there are no ongoing subscription fees!

      If you’re interested, please fill out the form

      Kind regards,


  9. Since the 16th of July I have not had usage data for my system. I have contacted them numerous times by email, received a reply basically stating ‘too busy now get onto it later,’ but guess what? No response what so ever. So can someone tell me what’s going on there? I was happy to accept busy for a while, but now I’m thinking laziness, arrogance or incompetence. I have spent ages on the online help / FAQ section to no avail.
    It’s amazing in this day and age that the offers of technical support, or customer service available is neither. Customer service is speaking to a knowledgable person well trained in the systems they sell that can at least head towards solving your problem. I did get hold of one phone number but it was useless; it was sales support and technical support for installers only. The lady did say they would get back to me, but they didn’t.

    • Anthony Bennett says

      Hi Dave,

      I know that Catch Power have been very busy growing their business plus taking on all the staff and integrating technology from Solar Analytics, which isn’t made easy when the telcos are shutting down 3g networks and reapportioning 4g bandwitdth. In fact they’re hiring new people to offer the support you need.

    • Peter Fuller says

      Further to my note earlier in September 2024 i have had a little bit of communication with Solar Analytics however i had to get a bit creative to shake a response by dropping a little ‘bomb’ comment on the Catch Power Facebook group. I joined the page then I left a strong comment which was polite, truthful and spelled out their very poor non existent response/customer service. My comment was quickly deleted however I did get a reply comment from an employee at Catch Power, Erin Hilton and then I communicated directly with her via Messenger and did get an email address for her and a chap named Nigel Morris, Head of Sales & Marketing for Solar Analytics. Their emails are; [email protected] and [email protected]
      I did get a few emails from Nigel and Erin with various advice but nothing that completely answered or fixed my issues. I have ordered a hi gain antenna and once i have that and fit it i’ll try and contact them again to, hopefully fix the issues. Hope others can try to contact Nigel and Erin with better luck than me thus far

  10. A Solar Anyltics Subscriber in Sth Aust says

    And today my Solar Analytics service is blocked until I accept the new Terms And Conditions, apparently date 15 Aug 2024.

    I see there is a interesting clause where a “service may be discontinued or terminated by CATCH at its absolute discretion for any or no reason “.

    Wow!!! What does that mean? The end for those who have the lifetime subscription? And this ‘Confidential Information’ – is that some sort of gag clause? T&Cs shouldn’t be covered by such a thing.

    The new T&Cs seems very draconian and one sided.

    • Peter Fuller says

      Wow this is not good and not acceptable, what action can be taken to maintain the original agreement and terms?

      • Thank you for sharing your concerns. We’d like to clarify that the clause you mentioned was part of the original terms and conditions. The recent update simply reflects the change in business identity from Solar Analytics to CATCH Power. We’re just streamlining things, since the acquisition and this adjustment doesn’t impact existing commitments like lifetime subscriptions or our commitment to existing Solar Analytics customers. 
        We value your feedback and are happy to address any further questions or clarify anything else about the changes.

        • Hi Erin
          We have around 20 x Solar Analytic 4G devices installed with varying subscriptions from life time to 5 years, and we are looking to switch to Catch devices as earlier threads said we could trade them in for reduced price for Catch device replacements.
          Can you advise what the trade in value for each 4G device is?
          Can you advise what a standard Catch device cost is?
          Can you confirm that Catch devices do not need the external antennae that may have been required for Solar Analytic devices?
          Please confirm that Catch do not require a subscription as access to data has no ongoing fees as available via wifi to each inverter?

        • Hey Darren,

          Thanks for your message we have a program dedicated to homeowners, where they can access 50% off the retail cost of the device. This does not include installation costs.

          Their sites need to be verified by the Solar Analytics team before discount codes are given.

          This offer is currently only available till the 31st of December.

          Yes, CATCH Control connects to the customers Wi-Fi, so there are no subscriptions or needs for additional antenna’s. however depending on the customers Wi-Fi strength on occasion a Wi-Fi extender may be required.

          If you send me an email with your company details I can put you in touch with your local BDM to discuss further.

          By taking part in this trade in offer, your customers will gain free access to Solar Analytics platform, load control, inverter & Battery controls if compatible, EV Charger control just to name a few.

  11. Kerrie Hamilton says

    I just received a Terms and Conditions Update from Solar Anaytics ( CATCH ), which concerns me greatly. Signing and agreeing includes allowing the app to adjust my solar inverter export limit !!! and handing over control around how and when energy load is operating. And lots of others data allowances to 3rd parties. I won’t be signing until I hear more from Flynn.

    FLYNN Please give us the low down in layperson’s terms.
    Thanx from a trusting supporter.

    • Anthony Bennett says

      Hi Kerrie,

      If it’s any consolation, I have met Scott the founder of Catch Power enough times to be pretty comfortable with how they run the operation. He’s in it for the right reasons and I suspect all the permissions you’re seeing are ones required to make a full suite of energy management work if you’re signed up with a bi-directional retailer like Amber.

      • Thanx Anthony. It is a consolation. It’s a very complex market right now. Your comments do offer reassurance.

    • Hi Kerry,

      A lot of states now have a program called flexible/dynamic exports, this means that households no longer have a static export limit and the local DNSP’s actually regulate how much energy you can export back to the grid based on grid stability.

      The other scenario where we will take control of your inverter is if you opt into a wholesale energy plan, like Amber Electric. In these scenarios your inverter and batteries if applicable are controlled based on the true price of energy.

      These are opt in services and the only times CATCH will take control of your inverter.

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