Posts By Ronald Brakels, Author & Fact-Checker At SolarQuotes

Synergy’s Midday Saver Tariff: Home Batteries Can Pay in WA

Synergy midday saver tariff and home batteries

If you live in Perth, or within a four-hour drive, I have some good news.  Synergy has changed its residential time-of-use tariff to 8 cents per kilowatt-hour for grid electricity from 9am to 3pm.  They’ve also changed its name to “Midday Saver”. [Read more…]

Wholesale Electricity Price Crises Continue — More Hefty Hikes Likely

Electricity price rises in Australia

Australia’s wholesale electricity price crisis is in its fifth month.  This ongoing disaster began in April and really took off in May, June, and July.  It continued through August, but the crisis wasn’t as crisisy as the previous three months. [Read more…]

Here’s Why EV Batteries Are Cheaper & More Reliable Than Home Batteries

EV vs home batteries

EV Battery Packs Have It Easy Compared To Home Batteries 

It has been two weeks since I laid down the heavy news that out of the 26 home batteries given a whirl by the Canberra Battery Test Centre, only two worked as they should without suffering a fault or excessive capacity deterioration.  This sad news has caused some people to wonder if electric car battery packs will have similar poor performance. [Read more…]

Origin Loop Virtual Power Plant: $2,000 Bait On A 5-Year Hook

Origin Loop VPP review

Origin Energy’s ‘Origin Loop’ Virtual Power Plant (Loop VPP) pays you to let Origin discharge your battery into the grid, but you must have an Origin retail electricity plan to use it. 

Even though there’s a big dollar incentive up front, I don’t think it’s a good deal overall. In this post, I’ll tell you why I’m not excited about the deal, and hopefully, that will help you decide for yourself whether to sign up. [Read more…]

Canberra Battery Test Centre Final Report: Only 2 Of 26 Batteries Fault-Free

Canberra Battery Test Centre Final Report

For eight years, the Canberra Battery Test Centre lived up to its name and tested batteries. From 2016, they put 26 home batteries through their paces. If I had to sum up the results in a single word, it would be: [Read more…]

Canberra Battery Test Centre Phase 3 Results: Zero Batteries Problem Free

Canberra Battery Test Centre final report

The Canberra Battery Test Centre’s third phase of testing is complete.  In fact, all their testing is now finished.  They have shut up shop and published their final report. [Read more…]

Three Days Of Non-Insane Prices Spark Hope Wholesale Electricity Crisis Is Easing

For four months now, electricity prices in the eastern states have been crazy high. But they’ve cooled down in the last three days to the point where they’re now just high. [Read more…]

July Electricity Price Hikes: Up Everywhere But VIC & ACT — Solar Feed-in Tariffs From +41% To -23%

Australian electricity price and solar feed in tariff summary

Most Australians were hit with an electricity price increase in July. The exceptions were the ACT, which had a slight decrease, and Victoria whose electricity prices change now in August.  [Read more…]

Most Solar Panel Warranties Voided By Shading

heavily shaded solar panels

Shade is bad for solar panels. They work by changing light energy into electrical energy, so any shade reduces output.  This makes it a bad idea to locate panels anywhere they’ll be out of direct sunlight for a significant part of the day. [Read more…]

EnergyAustralia Solar Home Bundle: Free Solar & Battery Comes At High Cost

Energy Australia Solar Home Bundle Review

Energy Australia — the country’s third largest electricity retailer — is offering to install a solar and battery system for no money upfront, provided… [Read more…]

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