Australians don’t pay the highest electricity prices in the world, but we’re working on it. [Read more…]
South Australia Is Actually Second Cheapest State For Household Electricity
Grid electricity is not cheap in South Australia. Here in Adelaide it’s never a happy time when I get an electricity bill. My last quarterly bill was $203 for 389 kilowatt-hours of use. All up, that means I paid over 52 cents for each kilowatt-hour of grid electricity. [Read more…]
An Apology To USG Solar Panels
I would like to humbly apologize to USG solar panels, or to give them their full name, Universal Solar Group. [Read more…]
The ‘SA Energy Crisis’ Is A Myth Peddled By Liars
At the start of the month I wrote that South Australia’s grid was in disarray. I warned that more blackouts were inevitable as soon as summer rolled around again or adverse weather struck.
With my warning I wanted to give people a sense of perilous urgency on the need to do something about the dilapidated state of the grid that we depend upon for our jobs, our well being, and civilization itself.
But that was on April Fools Day.
I wasn’t serious. [Read more…]
DCS Batteries Make Wild Payback Claims
Power is boring.
But the struggle to obtain it? That is interesting.
In 10 year’s time powering homes with batteries may be so commonplace it will be boring.
But at the moment it’s not so dull. [Read more…]
Don’t Buy Second Hand Solar For Your Home
“Psssssst! Wanna buy some slightly used solar panels? They fell off the back of a truck. Or possibly off the back of a roof. Maybe they even fell off the back of a roof of a truck. We just don’t know. But what I do know is they are tier one panels in great condition – they didn’t fall far – and they’re cheap, so if you are looking to install rooftop solar you’d be a fool not to buy them, right?”
Wrong. [Read more…]
Scheme To Donate Solar To The Sydney Opera House Is A Boondoggle
This morning the Australian Financial Review reported on how the Sydney Opera House and Energy Australia, and apparently even the CSIRO, are teaming up to create a solar energy trading scheme that, on the face of it, is completely useless. But, once you think it through, it clearly makes the world a worse place. [Read more…]
Solar Air Conditioning Vs. Heat Reflective Paint
It can get bloody hot in summer thanks to the sun blazing down on our roofs and making them hot enough to not only fry an egg, but some bacon as well.
This post is about stopping the summer sun heating your roof, turning your home into a metaphorical oven. [Read more…]
Australian Company To Elon Musk: We’ll Supply Twice The Storage in 100 Days For Half The Price
These are, quite literally, dark days for national energy security.
The South Australian grid is in disarray and blackouts threaten to engulf other states as soon as summer rolls around again or adverse weather conditions strike. [Read more…]
How GST On Solar Is Calculated
Let’s say you have just been quoted a nice round $7,000 for a brand spanking new rooftop solar system with 5 kilowatts of panels. With Australia’s 10% Goods and Services Tax, you might expect the GST portion of that quote to come to $700.
Or, if you didn’t go to school in Toowoomba like I did, you might actually think GST would be $636.36 because that would be 10% of $6,363.64 which would then add up to a nice round $7,000. (Remember kids, always pay attention in math class if you don’t want to end up as a lowly solar blogger.) [Read more…]
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