Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Rooftop Solar Trounced Gas Power In Australia In 2021

Gas power vs. renewable energy in Australia

Gas-fired electricity generation fell again across Australia last year – down to its lowest level in more than 15 years – while the renewables juggernaut rumbled on. [Read more…]

Jabiru’s Solar Hybrid Power Station Is Go

Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Power Station

A hybrid renewable power station in the Northern Territory is now providing a cleaner energy future for the town of Jabiru. [Read more…]

A Big Solar Energy Boost For Banana Shire

Moura Solar Farm - Banana Shire, Queensland

Queensland’s Banana Shire will soon be home to a 110MW solar farm – the first major PV project for the region. [Read more…]

Charles Sturt University Strikes Wind Power Deal

Charles Sturt University - Renewable Energy

Building on its considerable on-site solar power capacity, Charles Sturt University has inked an agreement with Iberdrola Australia that will see its campuses supplied with renewable energy from wind power. [Read more…]

Another SA Water Solar + Battery Storage Installation

SA Water Aldinga - solar energy

A wastewater treatment plant in Adelaide’s southern suburbs is the latest SA Water asset to have a renewable energy makeover. [Read more…]

South Australian Government Claims Victory Over Electricity Prices

SA Premier Steven Marshall - electricity prices

SA’s Marshall Government is strutting its renewables street cred and spruiking electricity bill savings over the last four years, while sledging Labor’s previous performance on power prices. [Read more…]

SunPower Maxeon Solar Panels May Outlive You

SunPower Maxeon solar panel warranty

Premium solar panel manufacturer Maxeon is very confident its modules will last a very long time. So much so, the company has beefed up the warranty on its flagship SunPower Maxeon product line. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index: February 2022

SolarQuotes auSSII report - February 2022

Discover what Australian buyers were wanting in a solar power system last month in the February 2022 auSSII report. [Read more…]

“Interest-Free” Solar And Battery Bundles – What You Should Know

Interest free solar

Zero interest finance solar power and battery storage deals can be tempting – but crunch the numbers and shop around to see if you can get a better deal. [Read more…]

Kalbarri Microgrid Launched, Local School To Join VPP Pilot

Kalbarri microgrid and school VPP

It’s all happening in Western Australia’s Kalbarri, where Australia’s largest connected microgrid is (finally) officially launched and the local high school has been chosen to join a Virtual Power Plant initiative. [Read more…]

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