Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Cool Solar Schools In Queensland

Cooler Cleaner Schools Program - Queensland

The Queensland Government says every state school is now air conditioned, with solar panels to help offset increased energy use. [Read more…]

Parents Politely Pressuring Pollies To Pledge More Solar Schools

AP4CA - Solar Our Schools

Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA) is calling on parents to urge  federal election candidates to make a pledge to support the group’s Solar Our Schools initiative – and providing tools to do so. [Read more…]

Victorian 2035 Emissions Target Community Consultation Commences

Victoria emissions targets
Victorians are being encouraged to have their say on the state’s interim emissions reduction target for 2035 – and how to achieve it. [Read more…]

Petition Pursuing Free Access To Australian Standards For Trades

Free Australian standards

There are just 10 days left to sign a petition urging government to make Australian Standards available for free – or at a reasonable cost – to trades requiring them. [Read more…]

City Of Parramatta Home Solar Rebate Bonus

City of Parramatta home solar rebate

If you live in the City of Parramatta local government area and are thinking about installing solar panels on your home, now could be a really good time to as Council is offering an added incentive to residents. [Read more…]

Fake Tesla Lithium Announcement Catches Out Unwary Investors

Tesla - Lithium Corporation fake news

It turns out you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet – and not just some of the stuff Elon Musk actually says. [Read more…]

Winneke’s “Golden Row” Of Solar Panels Installed

Winneke solar farm

Melbourne Water has announced the installation of the first row of solar panels for its Winneke Water Treatment Plant solar farm – and many thousands more panels will soon follow. [Read more…]

Trina, Jinko Start 100GW Solar Panel Shipments Club

Jinko and Trina - 100GW solar panel shipments

It appears Chinese solar panel manufacturing heavyweights Trina and Jinko are the inaugural members of an exclusive club – manufacturers that have shipped 100GW of modules. [Read more…]

Australia’s Green Future Index Rank Tanks

MIT Green Future Index and Australia

MIT Technology’s Review’s Green Future Index 2022 doesn’t paint a particularly flattering overall picture of Australia’s efforts towards a sustainable, low-carbon future. [Read more…]

Solar And Battery Grants Available To Port Adelaide Enfield Businesses

City of Port Adelaide Enfield solar grants

Port Adelaide Enfield Council has kicked off a pilot subsidy scheme to support small-to-medium enterprise investment in solar power and other green initiatives. [Read more…]

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