Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Solar Powered Wi-Fi Project Gets More NSW Government Backing

Solar Powered Wi-Fi - Zetifi

A company working to bring better connectivity to Australians living or travelling out the back of beyond has scored another injection of NSW Government funding. [Read more…]

NT’s First Virtual Power Plant Trial Commences

Alice Springs Solar Connect VPP

A Virtual Power Plant initiative kicked off in Alice Springs yesterday – the Solar Connect VPP. [Read more…]

Australia’s Solar Rebate In 2023: Looking Ahead

Australia's solar rebate in 2023

2022 has zoomed by, and it won’t be long before Australia’s national solar rebate will get another haircut. Here’s what you need to know – and why getting quotes sooner rather than later could be a good move. [Read more…]

VIC Community Groups To Slash Bills With Solar And Batteries

Community Climate Change and Energy Action - Victoria

A bunch of community groups and councils across Victoria have scored funding from the Andrews Government to support installation of solar panels and batteries. [Read more…]

October 2022 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index

SolarQuotes auSSII report - October 2022

A higher proportion of Australian solar shoppers wanted to fill their rooftops with solar panels in September. Find out what else they were looking for in a power bill busting PV system in the latest SQ auSSII report. [Read more…]

Sunny Days For Australia’s Lithium Industry

Australian lithium industry outlook

Australian lithium exports will more than double in the next 5 years states a new Federal Government report, and the country could potentially soon snag a significant chunk of the lithium hydroxide production market. [Read more…]

New Class Of Solar Inspectors For Victoria

Solar inspections in Victoria

A new class of licensed electrical inspector (LEI) specialising in renewable energy installations will be introduced over the next 18 months in Victoria. [Read more…]

WA’s City Of Stirling Powers Ahead With EV Adoption

City of Stirling - electric vehicles and solar power

The City of Stirling has taken delivery of its first four electric vehicles, with another three to join them in the not-too-distant future. [Read more…]

Oberon Council Endorses Renewable Energy Action Plan

Solar energy in Oberon, NSW

Solar panels are on the cards for a bunch of Oberon Council assets – with battery storage to perhaps follow down the track. [Read more…]

Australian Tesla EV Owner Survey Results

Tesla EV owner survey - Australia

741 Australian Tesla electric vehicle owners responded to a recent survey, providing interesting insights into EV ownership in this community. [Read more…]

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