Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

More Tindo Solar Panels For Bendigo Bank Branches

Bendigo Bank - Tindo Solar panels

Another two Bendigo Bank branches have installed solar systems, both of which feature Australian-made Tindo Solar panels. [Read more…]

Tarneit Neighbourhood Battery Location Revealed

Location of Powercor's Tarneit neighbourhood battery

Victoria’s Powercor has announced where it will be locating a neighbourhood battery in the Melbourne suburb of Tarneit. [Read more…]

More Free Solar Systems Under NSW’s Energy Bill Buster

NSW Energy Bill Buster program

A pilot program offering low income households a “free” solar power system is being expanded across New South Wales. [Read more…]

Treasury Wine Estates To Install Thousands Of Solar Panels

Treasury Wine Estates and solar power

The company behind famous Australian wine brands including Penfolds and Wolf Blass is embracing solar energy in a big way. [Read more…]

Directed Machines’ Solar Power Assisted Land Care Robot

Solar assisted farm robot

Here’s an interesting small tractor of sorts for rural properties and small farms – a solar-assisted agricultural robot from the USA’s Directed Machines. [Read more…]

NT To Help Drive EV Uptake With Grants Program

EV charger grants - Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Government yesterday announced further details on initiatives to help boost electric vehicle uptake. [Read more…]

Small Modular Reactors Big On Nuclear Waste?

Small Modular Reactor (SMR) nuclear waste

Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton says he’s not afraid to have a debate about nuclear energy. That’s great, but do we *really* need to have another one? [Read more…]

Helping Australia’s EV Revolution Charge Ahead

EV Charging in Australia - advice and guides

SolarQuotes is filling a gap in knowledge in Australia on electric vehicle charging with new tools, guides and advice added to the SQ web site. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index: June 2022

SolarQuotes auSSII report - June 2022

News of electricity price rises sparked the start of a rush on solar power systems in May. Find out what Australian solar buyers were wanting. [Read more…]

SA Government Axes EV Smart Charging Subsidy

South Australia EV smart charging subsidy

South Australia’s Malinauskas Government’s axe swung yet again yesterday on support for renewables  – this time in relation to EV charging. [Read more…]

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