After reaching its installation target, the ACT Government’s Next Generation Energy Storage (Next Gen) program has ended. [Read more…]
PCL Construction Scores Stubbo Solar Farm EPC
There’s been more progress on ACEN Australia’s huge Stubbo Solar project in New South Wales, with the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract now awarded. [Read more…]
Vicinity Powering Up Battery Storage Pilot For Shopping Centres
Building on its substantial shopping centre solar power street cred, work has commenced on the first onsite battery storage systems for Vicinity Centres. [Read more…]
WA Domestic Gas Supply Disruptions “Unprecedented”
A gas plant failure has added further strain to Western Australia’s domestic gas supplies; but the McGowan Government says everything is under control. [Read more…]
Blyth Big Battery Given Go-Ahead
Neoen announced late last week it’s all systems go for another of its big battery projects, this one in South Australia. [Read more…]
January 2023 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index
Australians are usually more focused on upcoming celebrations in December, but there was still plenty of interest in installing solar panels during the final month of 2022. [Read more…]
Columboola Solar Farm (Finally) Achieves Full Output
Renewable energy developer RES recently announced Columboola Solar Farm in Queensland has reached full generation output. [Read more…]
Ultra Low Cost Solar R&D Funding Winners Announced
A baker’s dozen of Australian projects have each been granted big grants as part of an effort to further drive down the cost of solar power – and considerably. [Read more…]
Norway’s Stunning EV Uptake Continues
Norway’s EV uptake puts Australia to shame – but at least we’re now on the road to skyrocketing electric vehicle sales here as well. [Read more…]
“Trapped” Victorians To Get More Choice In Electricity
Many Victorians moving into new apartments will soon have a greater choice of electricity providers – or green, affordable power. [Read more…]
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