Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Solar Power Funding For Food Rescue Groups

Solar panels on FoodBank facility

More solar energy for Foodbank | Image: LG

The Australian Federal Government is providing $1.2 million in funding to assist food rescue groups reduce their energy costs and boost their food storage capabilities.

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CEC Releases Clean Energy Australia 2016 Report

Clean Energy Australia 2016

In its latest report, the Clean Energy Council states a record share of Australia’s electricity came from renewable sources in 2016 – 17.3%; the highest level this century.

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Costa Looks To Solar Power For Mushroom Growing Operations

Growing mushrooms with solar energy

Growing in the dark, powered by the sun? Image: Costa Group

Australia’s largest mushroom producer is expanding operations in South Australia; with solar energy on the cards to help power it.

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Tertill – Solar Powered Autonomous Weed Whacker

Tertill - Franklin Robotics

Weeds in your garden getting you down? Franklin Robotics may soon have a solar powered solution to your weed woes that will perhaps help save some time and your back.

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Infamous Nuclear Power Station Under Pressure From Gas And Renewables

Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station

Nuclear power industry feeling the renewables pinch | Image: Z22, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

The future of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI) is in doubt after again failing to get a guernsey in an important electricity auction.

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Solar + Battery Power To Light Up Auckland Harbour Bridge

Auckland harbour bridge solar powered lights

Pretty colours powered by the sun | Image: Vector

In what’s claimed to be a world first, New Zealand’s Auckland Harbour Bridge is to have all its new LED lighting powered by solar panels and battery storage.

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Jinko Solar Panels For Fish Farm Projects

Jinko solar panels

Jinko solar modules in aquaculture

Jinko Solar has inked a deal with Jing Bei New Energy that will see the PV giant supply 100MW of its solar panels for use in two fish farm projects in China.

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Solar PV Power Employed 3 Million+ People In 2016

Jobs in solar power and renewables

Solar powers  job creation

A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency  (IRENA) reveals solar photovoltaic (PV) power was the largest employer in the renewable energy sector in 2016, with 3.095 million jobs – up 12% from 2015.

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Australia’s Top 10 Postcodes For Solar – May Update

Top Solar Postcodes - Australia

1.67 Million+ Systems Sticking It To The Electricity Man | Panel Image: Smaack, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The most recent data from Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator shows Queensland and Western Australia postcodes still entirely dominating the top 10 rankings for total numbers of installed small scale solar power systems.

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Solar Power Enlisted To Help Keep Wind Farms Free Of Bird Poop

solar powered scarecrow

Scaring off seagulls with a solar powered scarecrow | Image: Scaretech Global

Bird poop, aka guano, presents major headaches for offshore wind farm operators – but this solar powered gizmo is apparently proving to be very successful in keeping birds at bay.

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