Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Tesla’s Elon Musk’s Bold Battery Estimate

Elon Musk on battery storage

Tesla Founder And CEO Elon Musk | Image: National Governors Association

In an entirely solar powered USA, what would be the land area required for battery storage to ensure 24/7 electricity supply? Tesla’s Elon Musk says he has the answer.

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Total Eclipse Challenge For Solar Power In The USA

Total Solar Eclipse - USA

The path of the upcoming total solar eclipse – Image : NASA

A total solar eclipse that will darken a broad corridor of the US next month has raised concerns about the impact of sudden ramping down, then up, of solar generated electricity.

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Warrnambool City Council Installing Solar Powered Lights

Solar powered LED lights in Warrnambool

Image source: Warrnambool City Council

More than 60 off-grid solar lights that will enhance community linkages and improve safety are being installed in five parks in the regional Victorian city of Warrnambool.

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COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcomes : Reactions

COAG - Clean Energy Target

Clean Energy Target causes friction at COAG meeting

As expected, Friday’s COAG Energy Council meeting saw all but one of the Finkel Review recommendations approved – the Clean Energy Target (CET).

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Coal Kills. That’s For Certain

Coal fired power generation and pollution

Coal kills – it’s a well established fact | Image : Mriya, CC BY-SA 4.0

Liberal MP Craig Kelly’s concerns about people dying as a result of high energy prices raises another issue he didn’t mention – the incredibly high death toll from coal.

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Liberal MP Links Winter Deaths In Australia To Renewable Energy

Craig Kelly - Renewable Energy

Craig Kelly | Image: NSW Liberals

Liberal MP Craig Kelly cranked up the anti-renewables rhetoric to 11 this morning on ABC’s AM, linking energy price increases to subsidies for renewables that he states will cause deaths this winter. [Read more…]

Australian-Made 100% Electric Truck Delivered

SEA Electric battery powered truck

SEA Electric EV10 | Image: Kings Transport via Facebook

The keys to the first electric truck produced by Melbourne’s SEA Electric were handed to Kings Transport yesterday.

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Welsh Water Building On Hydro, Wind, Solar And Poo Power Efforts

Welsh Water solar and renewable energy

Welsh Water Running On 100% Green Energy

Welsh Water has signed a deal with Dong Energy to ensure all its power is from green sources and secured funds to boost its own renewables-based energy production

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SolarEdge Showcases Solar Inverter-Integrated EV Charger

All in one - solar inverter and EV charger

SolarEdge HD-Wave Solar Inverter With EV Charger

SolarEdge has shown off its electric vehicle charger integrated inverter at Intersolar North America early today, a product the company says is a world-first.

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Toyota Unveils Huge Rooftop Solar Power System

Toyota headquarters - SunPower solar panels

Rooftop solar plant while under construction | Image: Toyota Motor North America

Tens of thousands of solar panels are in place on Toyota’s new North American headquarters in Plano, Texas.

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