Posts By Michael Bloch On SolarQuotes

Aquion Energy Back In The Salt Water Battery Business

Aquion Energy - sodium-ion battery

Aquion battery installation in Perth | Image: Aquion Energy

U.S. battery company Aquion Energy has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy status with new owners at the helm and renewed confidence in its future.

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Producing Food From Air With Solar Power

Solar power in food production

Solar electricity + air – the answer to world hunger? | Image: VTT Technical Research Centre

Researchers in Finland have created a protein-rich food using electricity and carbon dioxide, with help from microbes – a process that could be solar powered.

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Solar Panels Helping To Power More Remote NT Communities

SETuP - Northern Territory

Solar Energy Transformation Program saving on diesel | Panel Image: Smaack, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The Northern Territory Government has announced commissioning completion of 3.325 MW of solar power capacity in ten remote Aboriginal communities.

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Solar + Storage Proposed For Lindeman Island Resort Redevelopment

Solar power and storage for Lindeman Island

Lindeman Island Resort Redevelopment | White Horse Australia Lindeman

Redevelopment of Queensland’s Lindeman Island Resort could incorporate a significant level of solar power and battery storage according to a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) released on the weekend.

Lindeman Island’s resort has been out of action since 2012, following substantial damage wreaked by Cyclone Yasi in 2011.   [Read more…]

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm Connected To The Grid

Sunshine Coast solar farm

Sunshine Coast Council Goes 100% Renewable | Artist’s Impression

Grid connection of the 15MW Sunshine Coast Solar Farm in Queensland on the weekend marks a couple of firsts in Australia.

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WA’s City of Kwinana Saving With Solar Power

Solar panels

City of Kwinana Installs More Renewable Energy Capacity | Image: Public Domain

The City of Kwinana in Western Australia recently installed 384 solar panels on the Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre.

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STC Prices Plummet – The Impact On Australia’s Solar Subsidy

STC values impacting Australia's solar subsidy

Solar panel image: B137,CC BY-SA 4.0

A sudden reduction in the value of certificates upon which solar subsidies in Australia are based has resulted in some solar companies needing to re-issue recent quotes.

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Victorian Community Power Hub Groups Announced

Community Power Hubs - Victoria

Image: Bendigo Sustainability Group via Facebook

Victoria’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change has announced host organisations for pilot community power hubs, plus renewable energy and energy efficiency funding for resource-strapped regional councils.

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Australian Businesses Losing Out By Not Pursuing Renewables

The Business Of Renewables

While 80% of Australians believe big businesses should use renewable energy, less than half are – and it’s costing those companies holding back dearly.

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Solar To Help Cut Queensland Police Service Electricity Costs

Solar powered police stations in Queensland

Leanne Linard MP And Assistant Commissioner Brian Wilkins | Image : QPS

Solar panels to be rolled out on the rooftops of 40 police stations in Queensland will put a dent in QPS’s $13.5 million (and rising) annual electricity spend.

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