Image: Blomst
A meeting in Adelaide on Friday saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by seven Australian states, territories and cities with a goal of accelerating the nation’s transition to electric vehicles. [Read more…]
Image: Blomst
A meeting in Adelaide on Friday saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by seven Australian states, territories and cities with a goal of accelerating the nation’s transition to electric vehicles. [Read more…]
Late last week, Google announced its latest renewable energy purchases brought its wind and solar capacity to more than 3 gigawatts and made good on the company’s commitment to running on 100% renewables. [Read more…]
Image: Jaidee
On Saturday, the Northern Territory’s Government announced $1.5 million in funding for renewable energy research and development projects. [Read more…]
Image via Hornsdale Power Reserve
The official opening of Tesla’s Powerpack battery project in South Australia demonstrates how rapidly large-scale energy storage can be rolled out says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]
Six South Australian councils have banded together in an effort to empower local households and businesses to slash their electricity bills and carbon emissions through the use of renewables and energy storage. [Read more…]
Extreme heat presents the greatest threat to the security of electricity supply in eastern Australia states a new report published by the Australia Institute. [Read more…]
ABB inverters have been used at Egypt’s first large-scale, grid-connected solar farm – and it looks like they could be in for a particularly tough working life. [Read more…]
India’s rapid growth in rooftop solar panel installations isn’t fast enough to meet the nation’s goals says a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. [Read more…]
Image: Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH)
A consortium has announced a proposed wind and solar power plant of up to 6 gigawatts capacity in Western Australia’s East Pilbara region that will export electricity to Indonesia. [Read more…]
Image: MrRick
Our neighbours to the north-west are getting into floating solar in a big way. A 200MW solar farm is a major project by any benchmark – put that on water and it’s quite extraordinary. [Read more…]
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