Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has announced enforcement action concerning another company it states improperly created small-scale technology certificates (STCs) associated with solar power installations. [Read more…]
Hundreds Of Households Register For Victorian Energy Efficiency Program
Image: colmkay
With electricity price rises in Victoria just a few weeks away, an energy efficiency upgrade initiative for low-income households in the Latrobe Valley will provide some very welcome and much-needed relief on energy costs. [Read more…]
Punitive Solar Tariffs Inconsistent With “America First” Agenda : SEIA
The U.S. solar industry stated its case against punitive tariffs on some imported solar panels and cells in a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump’s top trade adviser earlier today. [Read more…]
Solar Power Scheme Cranks Up In Togo
An ambitious program that will roll out 300,000 small solar power systems in the West African nation of Togo commenced this week. [Read more…]
More Trouble For Adani’s Australian Carmichael Coal Mine Project
Image: semevent
The coal-fired heat is being turned up on Adani – the question is, will the company finally choke on the toxic smoke being created and abandon its Carmichael coal mine plans? [Read more…]
The Renewable Energy Opportunity For Thailand
Thailand has the potential to achieve 37 per cent renewable energy by 2036, saving it billions of dollars each year and helping the country to meet rapidly growing electricity demand. [Read more…]
Bendigo Needs More Solar Power
Image : ulleo
A recently released report states a “business-as-usual” approach by the City of Greater Bendigo in Victoria won’t be enough to achieve Council’s emissions targets. [Read more…]
Mega Enphase Microinverter Installation
Enphase Energy has announced the largest installation to date in the Asia-Pacific region of its microinverters, and one of the largest globally. [Read more…]
Renewables In Mining : Resistance Is Futile
Image: Deloitte
Using renewables as a major component of an effective energy management program, miners can slash their energy costs by up to 25% in existing operations and 50% in new mines says a Deloitte report released yesterday. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – December 2017
November proved to be yet another month many Australians were seeking quotes for installing solar power systems as a step towards lower electricity bills. [Read more…]
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