Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (prior to solar installation) | Image via Facebook
A 312 kilowatt solar power system is now operating at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre – with battery storage to come. [Read more…]
Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (prior to solar installation) | Image via Facebook
A 312 kilowatt solar power system is now operating at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre – with battery storage to come. [Read more…]
A 140MW solar farm that may include battery storage has been proposed for a site near the town of Mulwala in New South Wales. [Read more…]
The Australian Energy Market Commission’s outlook for residential electricity prices over the next couple of years is a mixed bag of news. [Read more…]
Image: byrev
The number of member countries to join an international alliance with a goal of rapidly phasing-out conventional coal power has quickly grown. [Read more…]
Image: samfabersf
Standards Australia announced the adoption of an international battery standard last week, part of a larger plan to help ensure Australian consumers are protected as the home energy storage market grows. [Read more…]
Image: CEFC
Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation is finishing the year on a strong note, committing $207 million in debt finance to accelerate the development of two large-scale solar farms. [Read more…]
Images : NAB
National Australia Bank announced yesterday funding for new thermal coal mining projects was now off the table and a Low Carbon Shared Portfolio, a new way for institutional investors to back renewable energy projects. [Read more…]
Image: marcusspiske
November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again. [Read more…]
JA Solar has announced output power of its 60-cell solar modules comprised of mono-Si PERC cells has exceeded 325W; reaching 326.67W [Read more…]
Image: benscherjon
One of the USA’s leading research universities, Johns Hopkins, has hopped on the coal divestment bandwagon after ongoing pressure from a student group. [Read more…]
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